Part 9: The Rescue Party

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I understood why Cole had acted so weird whenever someone mentioned Peter Pan. This guy was a cold-blooded killer, and we were making it seem like he was a lovable Disney character. I hit myself in the face, wondering why I was selfish enough to throw a lousy bean into the water. It was just a bean, it wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

I heard footsteps outside of the cave I was in, and I picked up an abandoned arrow from the floor. I wasn't going to be seen as weak. The footsteps stopped, and I prepared myself for the worst. Swinging the arrow, I charged at the first person I saw. I heard a scream, a girly scream, and looked up. A woman with medium length black hair was staring at me, an angry look on her face.

"Did you just attack me?!" She said madly, snatching my arrow and snapping it in half.

"Regina, calm down. Can't you see she's scared?" Another girl with black hair, though much shorter, walked over. She smiled kindly at me before turning to the other girl and pulling her back.

"She attacked me for no good reason!" I backed up as the woman, Regina, swung at me.

"I'm so sorry... I thought you were someone else!" I said desperately. Regina calmed down a bit, straighening her shirt.

"You did you think it was?" A fimiliar voice said. I looked to the voice to see a black haired guy with a slight stubble. He was dressed very old fashioned, almost like a character from Pirates Of The Carribean. He took a flask from his coat and downed some of the contents inside.

"Is rum honestly the only thing you drink?" Another guy said, this one with short brown hair. He had his arm around the other black haired girl (not Regina) and I guessed they were a couple. Why the voice had sounded so fimiliar hit me.

"You- you gave Cole that bean?!" I accused, glaring at the black haired guy. I scanned him, looking for a weapon of some sort, when I realized he only had one hand. In place of the other was a shining hook.

"You're... Capitan Hook?" I muttered, backing up. I took out my phone, and frowned when it wouldn't turn on.

"What are you doing, lass?" He said uneasily, and I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Nothing..." I groaned. I looked at the remaining people that surrounded me. There was Regina, Hook, the couple, and a blonde haired woman. They all looked around 30, except the other black-haired girl, who could have been 20 for how young she looked.

"My name is Hannah." I introduced myself. The blonde woman smiled.

"I'm Emma." She said kindly. The other black-haired girl stepped away from the boy and held out her hand.

"My name's Snow Whi-- er, Mary Margaret." She stammered, but smiling none-the-less. I took her hand and shook it.

"David." The other guy smiled when I looked at him. I smiled at all of them.

"You're adults. I thought adults couldn't come to Neverland." I said, looking at them. Regina and Emma both frowned quickly.

"We came here, because Pan took our son." Regina said. I looked from Regina to Emma.

"Both of yours? Did you, adopt, or...?" I said awkwardly, and Regina made a face.

"Not like that. Henry is her biological son, but she abandoned him. I'm his adopted mother, the one who took care of him his whole life." Emma scowled.

"Regina, you know I was doing what was best for him!" She said.

"Ladies!" Hook shouted, and they both backed off. Mary Margaret held back a laugh. David saw this and smirked.

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