Part 15: The Boat

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A/N: I was reading the few comments that were on the previous chapters and you guys are so sweet! Sorry again for late updates, I had completely forgot about Wattpad...

I love every single fan of this series! Thanks for reading!

[Hannah's P.O.V.]

"I'm going to murder you." Felix said from beside me. He had dragged me from the front of the ship by the hoodie of my sweater to where we were sitting earlier, and now his hand was clamped tightly on my wrist.

"Fuck off." I said angrily. Felix elbowed me hard in the side, causing a shooting pain to dart through my body. Clutching my side with my free hand, my mood sank lower. Looking crossly at him, I noticed that the sun made the scar across his face look almost invisible. If he didn't look so worn down, he might've been decent looking. Looking away, I sighed.

"If you keep holding my arm like this, people are going to think that we're a thing." I muttered, mostly to myself, and Felix snickered. He forced his hand into mine, gripping tightly. Trying to shake off his hand, a wave of nausea washed over me. Crap. The Deamshade.

Grabbing the canteen and pulling the cork out with my teeth, I drank a small portion of the water inside. Then, with my incredible skill, I put the cork between my teeth and closed the canteen again.

"Let go of my hand." I demanded, and Felix turned to look at me. Then, raising his eyebrows, he let go. I was about to thank him when he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"You're right." He said, putting his head on mine. "This is better." I pulled my head away from his, and went to stand up. His hand clamped on my shoulder.

And then, when I was sure he wouldn't let go, I solved the problem like the mature fifteen-year-old that I was.

"Rape!" I screamed, and Felix quickly let go of me, obviously startled. He looked at me with wide eyes. I scooted away from him and crossed my arms. I win.

Austin came running towards us, his face sharing Felix's look of surprise.

"What do you think you're doing to my sister." He demanded, looking down at Felix. Felix, no longer suprised, scowled.

"What does it look like I'm doing." He said, looking up at Austin. Austin went to grab my arm, and before I could tell him not to, Felix jumped to his feet. It was pretty funny how much taller Felix was than Austin. They were apart by at least four inches. Austin faulted for about half a second, then went right back to staring Felix down angrily.

"She's staying here." Felix said, staring at Austin just as angrily. Austin made a furious sound.

"She doesn't like you. Get. Over. It." Austin spat, and Felix just raised an eyebrow.

"Does it honestly look like I'm interested in her? I'm following orders." Felix said in a threatening tone. Austin scoffed.

"You could've fooled me." They glared at each other, but then Cole came over.

"What the hell are you doing, Austin?" Cole demanded. Austin just glared at Cole as well. Cole pulled Austin away. Felix loosened up a little bit, but he was still staring intensely after them.

"Get off me Cole!" Austin yelled, pulling away from Cole. Cole grabbed his arm again, restraining him.

"Stop being so damn subborn." Cole said angrily, struggling to keep hold on Austin. Felix just stood there, staring at them.

"Stop staring at me you freak!" Austin screamed at Felix.

"Stop making a scene!" Cole said firmly, pulling him back again. I looked around and saw Cole was right. Many of the Lost Boys were staring at Austin, with strange looks on their faces. I took another sip from the canteen and stood up. Felix saw me out of the quarter of his eye and turned to me.

Austin pulled his arm from Cole's grasp and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug despite Felix's glare. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I buried my face into his shoulder.

"We'll be home soon." He muttered, holding me tight. I just nodded. How did he think we would get home? We were going to a city in Maine. That's nowhere near London.

"We'll get through this as a family." He pulled away from me and I looked up. He kissed me gently between the eyebrows. I choked back a sob. Neverland had made me tougher. There was no reason to cry now.

I looked back at Felix. He just stared at me with a placid expression. Then I looked back at Austin and hugged him again. After everything that happened, I just needed someone to hold. He hugged me back and let go. I let go too, even though I wanted to stay there forever in his arms. Then I looked at Cole.

I knew since the day he walked in that door that he didn't want to stay in Mrs. Nelson's house. The way he looked at things, like he was just visiting. I don't know what came over me the day we fell through the portal. I wanted him to stay so badly; I wanted him to feel like he had a family with us. It was obvious he didn't feel comfortable around us.

"We need to go." Cole said to Austin, who was still standing near me. "I'm sure there are Lost Boys who need things. Might as well make ourselves useful." Cole's gaze averted to me, and I saw a hard look in his eyes. My eyes stung. It was my fault that we came to Neverland; my fault he couldn't do back to where he came from. Austin frowned, hugged me again, and walked over to Cole. Cole turned from me, the same hard look in his eyes.

I leaned against the wooden plank of the mast and sank to my feet. Tears burned my eyes, and I felt one slip, burning my cheek as it ran down. More followed, and I cupped my face in my hands as my body began to tremble. There was movement to my right, and I felt Felix's hand on my leg. I turned away from him.

"Listen..." He said, sighing. I lifted my head. His voice sounded different, kinder. "You'll be fine."

"How can you say that?" I choked out, wiping my eyes. Felix closed his eyes.

"I left my family, a long time ago. I know how you must be feeling." He opened his eyes again, looking at me. "Your family is waiting for you. You'll see them again." I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest. Then he did something that surprised me.

He hugged me. Not roughly, not forcefully, just kindly. I looked over his shoulder at the sky.

"What's this for?" I asked. He pulled back and looked at me.

"You looked like you needed it." He said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Plus, I don't want to be stuck with someone who's just going to cry." He took his thumb and wiped away a tear threatening to drop from my cheek. I smiled lightly, looking at my knees.

"Thanks... I guess..." I said, and he laughed. Something about his laugh made me smile more. I sighed again, moving closer to him and putting my head on his shoulder. He was being nice, for once, so I might as well enjoy it while it lasted.

He stiffened slightly, obviously shocked. But after a second, he wrapped his arm around my neck. My eyelids started to become heavy.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked after a long silence. "Now that Pan's gone?"

"Pan never fails..." He began, but I groaned and looked up at him.

"That's what you keep saying, but what does it even mean?" I said, looking at him harshly. He just smirked.

"I'm not going to tell you. You'd give it away." I sighed, leaning my head on the wooden plank we were sitting against. He looked at me for a second, then moved his arm. Then I saw Henry walking towards us.

"What's going on?" Henry asked, looking at me and smiling. He was so adorable.

"Nothing really, how are you feeling?" Henry shrugged. He kept looking back and forth from Felix and I, a weird glint in his eyes.

"I'm a little tired, but I'm fine." He looked towards the side of the boat. "Hey, we're at Storybrooke." I looked to where he was looking and smiled. I could see a clock tower.

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