Part 11: The Lost

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A/N: Yeah... so I haven't posted in a while, sorry!

[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I frowned as I walked back into the camp with Cole. I hated it here. The music wasn't playing anymore, and now the Lost Boys were lounging around, sharpening sticks or rough housing. Cole looked around and frowned as well.

"I'm going to look for Austin." He mumbled, walking away from me back to the forest.

"Wait, I want to come!" I said, following after him.

"It's too risky." Cole said sighing. I frowned.

"But--" I started, but Cole stopped me.

"Look, I know Pan has done some nasty things, but it's quite obvious he won't do anything with Henry here." I turned to see Henry smiling with a few boys.

"Cole..." I said, sighing. "Be careful." I looked back at him, forcing a smile. He kissed me on the forehead.

"I promise. I'll find Austin, and I'll bring him back." I was still smiling weakly, and Cole set out into the forests. I walked closer to the center of the camp, sighing.

I was grabbed by the arm, and spun around quite forcefully. I stood looking at a black-haired Lost Boy, who was probably about 15 or 16.

"Do you mind?" I said angrily, pulling my arm from his grip. He smirked.

"Do I mind what?" He had a thick Irish accent.

"You don't just grab someone like that." I said, staring at him. He raised his arms in defence.

"What'd I do wrong, hun?" He asked, gaining smirks from the Lost Boys around him. "You honestly shouldn't be so uptight. Didn't you know chivalry is dead?" I glared at him.

"What do you want? You didn't just grab me like that for no reason." The boy shrugged.

"Only wanted to meet the 'Lost Girl'." He said mockingly, doing air quotes around the last two words.

"What do you mean?" I asked, staring at him.

"Pan said you could hear the pipe."

"So? It's only a pipe."

"You'd think that. Only special people can hear that pipe." I waved off his comment and turned to walk away. Another Lost Boy stepped in my way, this one with flaming red hair and a face sprinkled with freckles. Slightly frustrated, I went to walk around him, only to be grabbed and pushed back towards the black-haired kid.

"Can I go?" I turned angrily and glared the black-haired boy.

"Why? D'you have somewhere to be?" He said, looking around at the forest around us, as if to prove a point. I looked at him.

"Look, I really don't want to do this right now." I said calmly, noticing a few more boys join the circle that was surrounding me. The black-haired boy took another threatening look at me, and irritated, I drew out a pocket knife that I had found around the camp, which was crammed in my now dirty black leather combat boots. The black-haired boy backed up as I flipped out the blade and pointed it to him.

"The bloody hell is that?" He said, raising his hands in defence. I felt a smirk cross my face.

"You don't have pocket knives where you're from, huh?" I said, threatening it again to him. He backed up and made a face.

"What can that do against a sword?" He said, eyeing the knife.

"What's important is what it can do before you can reach a sword..." I said, amused at the fear in his face. Wait...

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