Part 18: The Break-In

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

Emma and Regina invited us to the reunion party at Granny's Diner.

There was laughing, and smiling, and finally happiness. Emma introduced us to a lot of the other people in Storybrooke, such as The Blue Fairy aka Mother Superior, Tinkerbell (who I already knew), and all seven drawves.

It eventually became too much for me, so I decided to sit down with Henry. He was reading some kind of story book.

"Hi, Hannah." He said with a smile as I waved.

"How are you feeling?" I muttered, looking at the happy people around us. It was surprising that Henry live his whole life with these people. The people I knew as fiction.

"Much better now."

"That's good." I closed my eyes, moaning and cupping my head in my hands. An old lady walked over to us, and Henry quickly looked up.

"Hey! Granny! Do you think Hannah and her brothers could borrow a room?" I looked at him. Then I looked at Granny.

"No, really, it's alri--" I began, but Granny quickly waved me off.

"Of course, dear! Follow me, and I'll get you a room." Hesitantly getting up, I shot a thankful look at Henry as Granny lead me away. He waved and looked back at the story book in front of him.

[Austin's P.O.V.]

As soon as we got into the room Granny lent us, Hannah flopped onto the bed and passed out. I was about to do the same until I saw Cole staring nervously out the window.

I walked over to him. "Are you okay?"

He looked at me. His eyes were dark and weighed down. "Doesn't it seem pretty suspicious that all you needed to do to trap Pan was locking him in some box?"

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow. Cole's frown deepened.

"He's supposed to be magical. He's supposed to be cunning. I just don't feel right." He stared out to the moon. I sighed.

Then, his face lit up.

"Follow me." He said, darting across the room and out the door. Looking over at Hannah and shrugging to myself, I ran after him, making sure to shut the door quietly on my way out.

We came to a stop in front of a thrift shop. The sign read Mr. Gold's.

"I don't think breaking into a rusty old shop is going to help us here." I said nervously as Cole picked the front lock. When I didn't get a reply I began looking down the street.

"Trust me," Cole said after a while. "This isn't your ordinary pawn shop." He swung the door open.

"What are we looking for, exactly?" I asked quietly as we walked into the dusty shop.

"A metal box..." Cole muttered, looking through the display cases and shelves. I sighed and picked up a ring from one of the cases. I messed with it for a few seconds before putting it back on the ring holder.

Then I began looking as well.

There was a lot of strange but cool antiques in the shop. I saw about 10 swords, and even more pieces of jewelry. I was about to touch something else, but Cole grabbed my wrist.

"Stop touching things." He demanded, and I raised my hands up in defense.

"Right. Sorry." I muttered, shoving my hands in my pockets. Cole began to look again.

Eventually I sat against the wall and messed with my shirt.

About 10 minutes later, Cole walked over to me.

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