Part 12: The Family

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[Austin's P.O.V.]

I guess Cole saw me before I saw him, because once moment I was standing in the trees watching two guys starting to climb a mountain (they were adults, I'm sorry if I got a bit curious) and the next minute I was having a heart attack because Cole had gripped my shoulder. He just laughed at me and pulled me away. Rude.

"Dude." I said, turning Cole to the two guys. "Look." Cole looked at them. By now, the guy with black hair and  dark clothes was starting up the mountain. The other guy, with brown hair and a button-up shirt, was staying on the even ground. Cole opened his mouth to talk, then closed it.

"I know the guy climbing..." Cole said after a while. I looked at him.

"Who is it? I thought only kids could come here." Cole turned to me.

"There's other ways besides the Shadow. For example, portals. Magic beans." Cole smiled uneasily at me. I forced a laugh.

"Yeah, I now about the magic beans." Cole smiled lightly, then turned to the two guys again. The guy climbing was at the top now, pulling himself up and disappearing from sight. The guy at the bottom slumped down, looking in pain.

"We should help him." I muttered. "He looks hurt..." But then he got up and looked up to the top of the mountain. Then, with an uneasy movement, he tried to climb the mountain, moving quite slowly and gripping his side as he climbed.

"He's fine." Cole said simply, raising his head to look at something on the top of the cliff. I looked as well, but I couldn't see what was up there from this angle. Cole grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"Let's get back to Hannah." Cole said, turning and walking with me back to the camp. As I walked with him I thought about Neal (or Baelfire...?) and the guy named Rumple. I couldn't find them anywhere, and the voices of the two adults climbing the mountain didn't sound like them... how many adults were on Neverland?

[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I saw Cole and Austin coming out of the forest just as I settled back in camp after going with Felix. He was sitting next to me now, and I was glad I had a reason to get up. I walked over to them and smiled. They smiled back. Cole looked troubled, but before I could ask why, Austin jumped in.

"Cole really has been here before." Austin said, stretching. I looked to Cole.

"I know." I said, and Austin frowned. "He showed me where we was living."

"Oh, really?" Austin asked. Cole looked at him.

"By the way, what were you doing, spying on those two adults?" Cole asked, a confused look on his face.

"I was looking for two other adults... a guy named Rumple and a guy named Baelfire." Cole's eyes widened quickly.

"Baelfire is here?" Cole asked quickly. Austin nodded, his eyebrow raised. "He's an adult?" Another nod from Austin. As Cole was about to say something, I felt someone grab my arm. People needed to stop doing that.

"I need to borrow her." Pan's voice came. If I wasn't so afraid of him, I might have been annoyed. Instead I let him drag me away, trying to get my feet to work properly.

"What the hell?" I hissed at him as I regained my bearings. He'd pulled me into a tent looking thing. Slightly angry, I spun to look at him, but then backed away. He was really close to me.

"Remember when I said," Pan said through a clenched jaw. "that if you left this camp alone I'd punish you?" My blood froze. I had run off... several times... how could I have been so stupid?

I took a few more steps back, but Pan grabbed my wrist tightly. He looked murderous. With his other hand, he pushed it in my chest once again, but this time I screamed in pain. It was worse then it had ever been. Pan stopped, a face of boredom.

"That won't do..." He said, yanking his hand back out of my chest. I caught by breath shakily. "You must be bored of that..." I looked at him, unable to form words. He spun me around and pushed me down, so I landed painfully on my stomach. Going to get up, I felt Pan put his foot on the small of my back. Trying again to push myself up, he just pressed me to the floor harder. Then I felt two freezing hands touch my back, despite the sweater I was wearing. I felt the hands grip something, and then they pulled back.

Imagine someone trying to pull your bones out by your spine, ripping off your skin at the same time. That was what this felt like. I screamed loudly from the pain, my hands digging into the dirt. It was like someone was peeling my skin from my body. I felt tears slip from my eyes, and the pain stopped. I felt myself sobbing lightly. His foot got off from my back, and I was lifted to my feet by my sweater. As soon as he let go, I fell back to my knees. Tears were running silently down my face, and my body ached from the feeling. I was pulled up again.

"You're staying with Felix or me from now on. Leave again..." He turned me to face him. He had a mock smile on his face. "...well, I won't spare you." He pushed me ahead and out of the tent. My hands were shaking violently. He pushed me down next to Felix, but I refused to look at him, looking at my still shaking hands instead. This certain log of a seat was kind of small, my shoulder was just barely missing Felix's. I felt really paranoid, feeling whoever was behind me was going to do that thing again. It felt like there was a huge rip on my back. I had ran out of tears to cry, and by this point I was wishing I had a ponytail holder. I hadn't brushed my hair in a good five days, I was positive there was some kind of dirt in it.

As I sat there looking at the ground I had no intention of trying to make a conversion with Felix. He must have felt the same way, because the only sound around us was Lost Boys cheering or yelling.

Just warning you all, I'm about to do a time jump to when Henry gives Pan his heart, because I really want to write that.

Don't be too mad at me please!

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