Chapter One

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Vanessa sighed as she sipped her ice water, tapping the table absentmindedly. She, Sivon, and Brian had been waiting in this restaurant for almost twenty minutes for Sal, Joe, and James, and Vanessa was getting tired of watching her friends kiss every ten seconds.

"I still say you look cute in my hats," Brian said, rubbing his girlfriend's side.

"I don't know... I certainly don't hold a candle to you!" Sivon giggled, kissing his lips softly.

Vanessa groaned loudly, wondering why she'd agreed to carpool with these two. "Where are the guys?"

Brian laughed at his friend's discomfort and looked at his watch. "Well, Murr said he'd be here in five minutes, but that was ten minutes ago. Joe's probably only just leaving because of the baby. As for Sal... If I know him, he's probably still trying to park his car." As he finished his sentence, the door opened across the restaurant. "There he is!"

"I fucking hate parking, I'm telling you," Sal muttered. "Hey, Q, Sivon." He turned to Vanessa and smiled warmly. His tone softened immediately. "Hey, Vanessa."

She stood to hug him. "Hey, Sal." She hid her blush in his shoulder, squeezing him tightly.

"So where's-" Sal began, but he was interrupted by the answer to his question.

James and Joe walked in, both looking less than thrilled.

"This motherfucker right here, I swear," Joe complained.

"What now?" Sivon laughed.

"He's just mad because I got to the parking space first," James said.

"No, no, no! I was backing in and you cut me off!" Joe argued.

"Okay, okay, break it up. We're starving here." Q waved his hands between his arguing friends, motioning for them to sit down.

Sal sat down next to Vanessa, and a smirk appeared on James's face. He gently elbowed Brian, who nudged Sivon, who tapped Joe's shoulder.

Vanessa and Sal, as usual, were off in their own little world. Every time they got together, since they'd first met, there was romantic tension and the most painfully obvious flirting the others had ever seen.

"Did you just get your hair cut?" Sal asked Vanessa. "You look fantastic."

She blushed, looking down at the tablecloth. "Thanks. I just got a trim."

"Well, you look amazing as usual." He patted her shoulder sweetly.

Sivon turned to Brian and whispered, "Here we go again."

The other three guys just chuckled softly, shaking their heads.

"What?" Sal asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing. Hey, babe, did you get the chance to tell the guys about our trip to Michigan this weekend?" Brian turned to his girlfriend and winked.

A collective groan was shared, and the couple burst out laughing.

"Don't worry, we won't bore you with the details. He was reminding me because I had a friend back home who's very interested in Sal," Sivon said with a sly grin.

Vanessa's eyes went wide and her stomach sank.

"Uh, what?" Sal stammered, shaken.

"Oh yeah, you should see this girl," Brian added. "Gorgeous. Probably just your type, too."

Joe and James tried not to laugh as Sal squirmed.

"Uhh, I don't- I mean, I couldn't-" Sal faltered.

"What's the matter, Sal? You're not seeing anyone," Joe chimed in.

"No, I mean- I'm not-" Sal continued to choke on his response, flustered. He kicked Brian under the table, finally catching on.

"Ow! What's the big deal, Sal? I'm just trying to set you up. Unless, that is, you have someone else you're already interested in." Brian smirked.

Sal opened his mouth to say something, but the waitress came over to take their order.

"Perfect timing," he said, relieved.

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