Chapter Fourteen

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Sivon and Vanessa decided that since Saturday night would be such a big deal, that justified going out and getting new outfits on Tuesday.

"After all, we should make a good impression on this girl James is seeing, right? What if someday they end up married or something? We'll have to see her a lot," Sivon had told Vanessa over the phone.

The guys weren't filming that day, so Vanessa suggested they bring Sal and Brian along.

Oh, that should be an easy sell. I can hear it already- Babe, do you want to go shopping with me and Vanessa? Really? I get to walk around and carry your bags and watch you try on a million different things? Dream come true! Lol, he'll be thriiiiilled. Sivon's sarcasm was strong, even through the text message.

Sal already said yes. :P Just tell Brian that Sal will be there. He won't be a third wheel! Lol

That got him! He's still not thrilled, but he'll go. Meet you at the mall at 2?

See you then!

"What do you think of this one?" Vanessa asked, holding up a tasteful blue dress.

"That's really pretty!" Sivon said. "Wait. Let me feel it." She stuck a hand out to touch the material, reaching up the skirt to make sure it wasn't itchy. "And it passes the softness test!"

Vanessa smiled, but when she checked the price tag, a frown took its place."But fails the affordability test. Yikes."

Sal, looking over from his seat by the window with Brian, piped up. "You should try it on anyway. It's nice."

"But-" Vanessa began, but Sal was already getting up and asking the sales associate where the fitting rooms were.

"Wait, wait, I'll come with. One sec. Bri, what do you think of this?" She held up a black and white skirt and crop top.

Brian put up an OK symbol and nodded. "Go try it on."

"Okay, you first," Vanessa said through the walls of the changing room.

"Hold on, I think I have the skirt on backwards." A moment of awkward grunts as she shifted the garment around passed, and Sivon took the door handle. "You guys still out there?"

Brian and Sal were sitting on the little couch outside the changing stalls, snickering at Sivon's mistake.

"Yeah, come on out, babe. Let's see this dress," Brian said.

"Bri, it's a skirt and top, not a dress." She opened the door and gestured up and down her body. "See?"

"Holy shit," Brian marveled.

"What, is it too tight?" She spun around, trying to see her behind to check. "Or is it too much skin?" She put her hands on the little strip of tummy the outfit exposed.

"No, no, it's perfect. Wow," he breathed.

"Very nice," Sal agreed. "You could wear those black strappy heels you have with that."

Sivon and Brian both turned to Sal with an incredulous look.

"What? I notice shoes." Sal crossed his arms defensively.

"Are you ready for me out there?" Vanessa asked, voice muffled through the door.

"Yeah, let's see you girl!" Sivon called back.

Vanessa timidly walked out, adjusting the straps of the dress slightly. It was a beautiful shade of royal blue, coming down to just above her knee and hugging her waist flatteringly.

Now it was Sal's turn to be amazed. "Wow."

She smiled, cheeks reddening. "Yeah?"

Sal opened his mouth to say something more, but he just shook his head and beamed.

"You look amazing!" Sivon cheered.

"Yeah, very pretty!" Brian said.

Vanessa turned to the mirror, arm brushing against the price tag as she did so. Her smile faded. "But I can't get it. It's too-"

"You're not going to buy it, I am," Sal stated matter-of-factly.

"Wh-Sal, you don't have to-"

"I insist."

Sivon turned to Brian, giving him an impressed look.

Not one to be outdone, Brian chimed in. "I'm buying yours too, of course."

"Babe, we live together. We share-" she stopped when she saw the expression on Brian's face. "I mean, thank you, sweetheart! What a nice, spontaneous, romantic gesture!"

He chuckled and squeezed her hand. "Just the kind of guy I am."

"Okay, we'd better get going if we want to find you a pair of shoes, Vanessa," Sivon said, looking at the clock above the couch.

"You really didn't have to buy that for me, you know," Vanessa said to Sal as they walked into a shoe store.

"Anything for you, sweetie." He smiled and rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand.

"Now remember, I already have a pair of shoes that will go with this outfit, so if I say I want shoes, I don't need shoes. Make sure you remind me when I forget," Sivon announced, eyes already widening with possibility.

"You know that's not gonna do any good, but okay," Brian sighed.

Vanessa and Sal wandered over to a section with an assortment of high-heeled shoes. After a few minutes of perusing and contemplating, Vanessa picked up a pair of glossy nude pumps.

"What do you think?" She handed one to Sal, inspecting the sole of the other.

"They're nice," he replied. "I think they'd look really good with that dress."

"I think so, too. Hey, Siv-" Vanessa looked up to ask her friend, but she wasn't there. "Where the..."

Sal giggled, pointing to the other side of the store where a comically annoyed Brian stood next to a pleading Sivon, three shoe boxes already stacked in her arms.

"Sivon! Come here for a sec!" Vanessa hollered.

She shuffled over, cautious not to drop a box. Brian tagged along after her, shaking his head and trying not to laugh.

"You're not going to believe the shoes I found." Sivon looked at the pumps in Vanessa's hand. "Ooh! Those are gorgeous! You should totally get them! And maybe another pair, considering they're on sale, buy one get one half off."

"But you only have three-" Sal began, but Brian was standing behind Sivon gesturing wildly to stop.

It was too late. "One, two, three... I thought I had four pairs! Bri, what happened to the sneakers I had?"

"Damn it, Sal. Those sneakers were a hundred and fifty dollars. They're right here, sweetheart," he grumbled.

"Great!" Sivon beamed. She looked back over to Vanessa. "You need any help picking out another pair?"

"I'm sure she can manage, babe. Come on, let's go pay before you find another pair," Brian laughed.

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