Chapter Eighteen

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Soon the cake was gone, the only evidence left of it smeared across Joe's bottom lip, which Bessy was quick to clean up.

"You guys got any plans for tonight?" James asked as everyone stood and gathered their things.

Brian opened his mouth to make a joke, but Sal put his hand up and shot him a look. Instead of the line he had queued up, he just let out a little chuckle.

"Brian and I are going home," Sivon said when she noticed her boyfriend's silence. "Probably gonna finish off the wine left from last weekend and spend the rest of the night... sleeping." She did a comically exaggerated wink.

"I've got to take Em home. She's got work in the morning," James said, looking disappointed.

"Yeah, early shift tomorrow," Emily frowned.

"Joey and I have to get home to the little bundle," Bessy said, rubbing her husband's arm lovingly.

"Yeah, we're officially running on no sleep over here. Poor little thing doesn't sleep through the nights yet," Joe sighed.

Everyone turned to Sal and Vanessa.

"Oh, well, uh, we don't really have any concrete plans, but I was gonna invite Vanessa over to my place... What do you say, hon?" He smiled sheepishly.

"Well, you put me on the spot here! No, really though, I'd love to," Vanessa said.

"Ooh, Sal!" the other guys teased in unison.

"Ah, shut up. I get to go home with the prettiest girl in the world." He took her hands and kissed her forehead.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Sivon cooed.

"Okay, we've got to get going, James. It was really nice to meet all of you!" Emily said, tugging on James's sleeve.

"All right. Bye guys!" James waved as they turned to leave.

Joe looked to Bessy. "Come on, sweetheart, let's get home. Bye, everybody!"

"See you soon!" Bessy said with a little wave.

"Bye!" Sal, Brian, Sivon, and Vanessa called back.

They walked off into the parking lot just behind the half-running figures of Emily and James.

It was just dark enough that the streetlamps were on, but still light enough that the four friends could stay out and chat another few minutes. A light breeze picked up over the sidewalk outside the restaurant, kicking the skirt of Vanessa's dress up a bit and causing her to grab it defensively.

"Careful there, Marilyn Monroe!" Sivon joked.

Vanessa blushed, then turned her attention to Sal. "So, the prettiest girl in the world? You really think so?"

He beamed, looking at her with eyes grateful for every second they got to see her face. "I know so."

Brian looked at Sivon, ready to make a comment about how sappy it was, when he noticed her still fawning over the new couple.

"You think that's cute?" he asked almost defensively.

"Of course I do! Remember when we were like that?" she sighed.

"What, are we not still cute?" Brian panicked.

"No, no, we are! I meant new! Look at them, they're crazy about each other. It's so sweet." She watched as Sal pressed a warm kiss to Vanessa's temple, whispering some compliment into her ear that made her giggle.

"I'm still crazy about you," Brian said softly, pulling Sivon in for a hug.

"Aww, babe," she said as he kissed her lips. "I'm still crazy about you, too. Come on, let's go home and let them get to whatever it is they're planning."

He smiled and tapped Sal on the shoulder. "Hey, we're gonna get going. You guys have a good night! Be safe!" He wagged a nagging finger in Sal's face.

Vanessa turned bright pink and looked at the floor. "Brian!"

"What? I meant driving home tonight!" Brian chuckled.

Sal just laughed. "Goodnight, Q. Goodnight Siv! See you guys around."

Sivon and Brian walked off hand in hand, leaving Sal and Vanessa standing together, bathed in the streetlamp next to them.

"Come on, beautiful. Let's go home," Sal smiled, taking Vanessa's hand.

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