Chapter Five

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That same Thursday afternoon, Brian invited Sal over to play some video games.

"What do I do, Quinn?" Sal whined.

"You shoot the bad guys and try not to get shot yourself. Ah, damn it! You distracted me and now I got killed!" Brian clenched his fist in frustration.

Sal shoved Brian and chuckled. "Not about that. About this thing with Vanessa."

Brian paused the game and tossed his controller to the side. "Look, man. You ask me that question all the time, and I usually have the same answer- ask her out. We did that part for you! All you gotta do now is tell her how you feel! Or better yet, just kiss her!"

"It's not that easy!" Sal wailed.

"Trust me, it is. You know how Siv and I got together? You remember?" Brian got up to grab a beer, continuing the conversation as he went.

"This is different," Sal said.

"Not really! I came right out and told her how I felt. Boom, easy. Three years later, and everything's good." Brian paused. "Want something?"

"Yeah, give me a beer," Sal responded. "But it is different. You didn't hold it in and try to be friends for so long. Besides, you're way more blunt about this stuff. You know I'm not."

"No reason you can't be," Brian said as he sat back down. "How about this. It'll be nice and dark in the movie theater, and you'll be sitting there next to her without anyone teasing you or distracting you or watching you, and you just lean in and kiss her."

"And what if she doesn't want it? What if I freak her out and ruin everything?"

Brian put a hand on Sal's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Sal, trust me. She'll want it."

"How do you know? She could secretly think I'm repulsive!" He was gesturing wildly with his hands, clearly anxious.

"Dude, relax. I know. Vanessa's as crazy about you as you are about her."

"You're just saying that."

Brian shook his head and raised a hand. "Honest, I'm not. This is getting ridiculous. You've just got to say, 'fuck it,' and kiss her."

Sal sighed. "You really think she likes me?"

Brian slugged his friend's shoulder. "Yeah. Now come on, let's finish this level before I get sick of tomorrow before it even happens."

After All This Time (A Sal Vulcano Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now