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"Up and coming fashion designer and model Maddie C has burst onto the fashion scene in the last two weeks. Her clothing range, set to be released next month is highly anticipated and celebrities all over the world are competing to wear her designs! But it turns out she can sing as well! Her debut single, Lies, drops next week! Stay tuned for more on this gorgeous new star!" The perky American news reporter exclaimed.

"Turn it off before Ashton sees!" Calum groans, Knowing Ashton would be pissed off if he saw. His new girlfriend would be pissed off as well. She's some fake ass bitch with black hair, short skirts and wayyyy to much makeup. Ashton seems somewhat happy though. He was a mess when Maddie left. Completely and utterly lost and confused. He met Megan and all of a sudden he was happy again.
"No keep it on. I want to hear more about my sister" I instruct Calum, who nods. I watch as the photos of Maddie flash on the screen and I sigh. I was so stupid. I had her back but then I lost her. I was an idiot. A stupid sister less idiot.

"Up and coming fashion designer and model Maddie C has burst onto the fashion scene in the last two weeks. Her clothing range, set to be released next month is highly anticipated and celebrities all over the world are competing to wear her designs! But it turns out she can sing as well! Her debut single, Lies, drops next week! Stay tuned for more on this gorgeous new star!" I sigh. Hearimg about Maddie hurts. I miss her, so fucking much.
"Turn it off before Ashton sees!" I hear Calum groan and I run my hands through my hair.

"Ashy!" The high pitched American voice that I had come to detest squealed. Megan emerged from the bathroom, dressed in short shorts that barely covered her butt and a too small crop top with her face slathered in makeup. She was trialling bright purple lipstick to match with the ends of her fake black hair with bright purple ends. She repulses me, makes my skin crawl. But, I'm still stuck with her.
"Ashton" our manager exclaims when I walk through the door "I've got someone or like you to meet!"
A door opens and a girl walks in. She's average height, average face, average everything. She's obviously a natural brunette, given that her brown roots are showing. Her hair is dyed an unnatural black however. She's barely wearing anything, a 'crop top' that look more like a bra and a fucking latex skirt. Yeah. A latex skirt. She looks like a slut. She catches sight of me and grins, attaching herself onto me instantly.

"Hi baby" she mutters pressing her lips to my jaw. Her lips are slimy and obviously leave a bright pink mark on me and I shudder. Maddie always did that to me and having this strangers lips violating my face is disturbing and creepy. I shudder again and she mistakes my horror for pleasure, pulling away and smirking at me smugly. I look at her, giving her a weak smile. I turn to our manager, death glaring him.
"This is my niece, Megan. Shes an aspiring model, actress and singer. She's going to be your girlfriend!"
"WHAT!" I scream
"I'm your girlfriend baby" Megan giggles dragging her long fake hot pink nail down my chest. I struggle to hid my disgust.
"Basically Ashton, you've been single too long. We're putting you together with Megan for a couple of months and you're going to enjoy it. Are we clear? You have a 6 month  contract and you need to fulfil it."
I nod, looking down, thinking of Maddie.

I want to end this stupid contract but I still have another 5 months to go. Another 5 months stuck why the ugly witch when I could be out there getting
"Yes Megan?"'I ask, turning to my 'girlfriend'
"So you know your new song?"
"Which one?"
"My girlfriends bitching cause I always sleep in, she's always screaming when she's calling her friends, she's kinda hot though" she sings loudly and off-key.
"Yeah" I grimace, ignoring her singing.
"Thanks for writing a song about me!" She purrs, running her finger up my chest. Again. She does that a lot, she seems to think it's a turn on for me. It's really not. I resist the urge to run away screaming. This girl completely and utterly disgusts me.

"Megan" I say, trying to stay calm and not yell "we didn't write that about you, we wrote it about Cristiana"
"Luke can do so much better than that ugly bitch!" She laughed.
Cristiana is Luke's girlfriend. She's absolutely gorgeous, Long dark hair, big brown eyes, quiet and shy,  ur funny one you get to know her. She's perfect for Luke, they're so alike.
"And I can do better than you. But I'm stuck with you for another 5 months and 14 days so just give me a bit of space!"
"What's wrong with me Ashy? Am I not good enough? Do I need to prove myself?" She purrs in my eye, trying to be seductive. And failing.

"Megan" I start "you're great and all but there are 3 reasons we would never be together in real life. One, you're a fake ass whore with too much makeup and this relationship fake, Two, I broke up with my girlfriend a month ago and you don't seem to understand that I don't want a relationship, and Three, I prefer blondes"
"You're such a dick!" She slaps me across the face, then proceeds to storm out of the house, yelling a string of swear words at the boys who are downstairs. I laugh and lay back on my bed, pulling out my iPhone.

I hesitate for a moment before calling the familiar number. It rings and rings and rings for what feels like an eternity before someone finally answers.
"Hey, this is Maddie"
"Maddie! It's Asht-"
"I can't answer the phone right now. I've probably either lost it, played games too much and made the battery die, or, I could be I'm actually doing something important! Please leave a message!" Her voicemail finishes for me. I sigh and run my hand through my hair as the beep signifies that I should leave a message. I sigh.
"Hey Maddie, it's Ashton. I-I don't know why I called you, I j-just miss you and wish you were here. I know you've got your new song coming out soon, and I wanted to say good luck. I hope I see you soon, maybe even at the VMAs, I heard you're supposed to be a guest host. Maddie, the thing is, I still lo-" the answering machine cuts me off again. I guess it's just up to fate now.

"Why do I have to model with another person? And why does it have to be a guy?!" I whine, pulling on my braid.
"Because it's good publicity. Also Maddie, you're the one who designed the complementing couples outfit!" Anna, My best friend and agent informed me. I met her the day I arrived, and we've been attached at the hip since.
"Can't I just model it with you?"
"It's guys costume Maddie! And trust me, you'll like who you get to model with. He's HOT!"
"Who is it?
"Okay, you have to promise you won't freak out. And there's a catch that head office is forcing me to tell you about. Okay?"
I nod. Anna sighs.

"They need you to fake date this person, for publicity purposes. To promote your new single. He's a great guy, he really is. And if you're lucky, this relationship could become a real one!"
"I'll give it a shot. You never know. Now who am I modelling with and fake dating?"
"Promise you won't scream?"
I nod again.
"Ed Sheran......"

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