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It took a long time to recover. Of course it did, on my wedding day I managed to lose both my child and my fiancé. It's hard.

It took almost 3 months before I was ready to leave the house again. My tour got cancelled, but the fans understand. My clothing line still got released and I was happy. But that didn't last long.

When I walked out of my room for the first time in 3 months, the boys were shocked. Who could blame them? I'd refused to talk to anyone. But then they realised that I was okay. And that's when things started picking up.

It was a week after that I went back to work. I walked into the building, head held high only to be greeted by stares and open mouths.

That was 3 months ago. 6 months on and I'm doing well. I've moved on, I've accepted that Ed was never right for me. I always knew that deep down. I just didn't realise until it was too late.

I'll never forget my baby. Whether they were a boy or a girl, I would've loved them just the same. Michael and Ashton encouraged me to make a little memorial for the baby. And I did. A gorgeous little flower garden with a small tree seedling that will soon grow placed in the centre. And at the base of the tree, two engraved stones. One reads Tristan Michael Clifford and one reads Elsie Taylor Clifford. The names I would've chosen for my baby.

Ed and I sat down and talked around the 5 month mark. I just needed to clear things up, make sure I was free to move on. We talked for hours over several cups of coffee and eventually Ed understood why I reacted how I did. He wanted to get back together, but I refused. We were over, completely done. And besides. I had my eye on a certain curly haired boy.

I'm pretty sure Ashton is oblivious though. I know now that I've always really loved Ashton, not Ed. Its always been Ashton. I realised that. And as soon as I did, I tried to get his attention. But I don't think he quite got the hint. He ignores me 50% of the time. And all I want is for him to see how much I love him. And maybe, for him to love me back.


It's hard, sitting and watching as the love of your life gets her heart broken. It's almost painful watching her cry and lock herself away. It worries me and for the first few months after the incident with Ed and the baby, I was concerned that Maddie might do something to harm herself. Thankfully, she didn't. She's okay and she's getting better.

It's hard tiptoeing around her. I want to scream how much I love her from the rooftops but I don't want to overwhelm her. Instead, I become awkward. Half the time, I ignore her. And then the other half I'm overly friendly. She probably thinks I'm weird.

All I want to do is run to her and grab her and embrace her. All I want is to be able to hold her in My arms And kiss her. I want to be able to call her mine again.

Every time I get enough courage to ask her out again, I chicken out at the last minute. I'll ask to talk to her and she'll turn and look at me with those big green eyes and it gets me every time. I know we would be a good couple. I just don't want to break her heart again.

"Ashton" Michael screams, waving his hand is front of my face "Ash!"

"Yeah" I snap out of my daydream about Maddie and turn to look at Michael. "What's up?"

"You keep zoning out!'' He huffs "we're supposed to be song writing!"

I nod, pretending that I was paying attention to what he's playing. Instead, I let my mind wander. Should I ask Maddie out again? Would it be too soon? Does she still have feelings for me? What if she says no?

"ASHTON!" Michael screams at me.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm listening!"

"You obviously aren't listening Ashton! Either focus on the music or go to Maddie! All I know is that my sister needs you and you need her and neither of you are accepting it!" He yells, annoyed.

"I need to go and get Maddie back!" I exclaim, running out of the room without looking back.

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