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A/N: this is short and super sucky but it's my second update today and it needed to be done. Sorry chickens! Big stuff coming soon!
-C xx

I plop down onto the couch, Taylor on on side, Ed on the other. Turning on the TV to some stupid gossip channel I curl up into Ed's side and Taylor aww's at us. I pull a face at her and turn my attention to the TV just as a new story starts.
"So last night in her speech at the VMAs, singer and designer Maddie C revealed an interesting new fact!" The over excited perky news report exclaims. "She has a brother! Of course, her at Entertainment Tonight we got interested and decided to do a bit of digging! Check out this clip we found of a conversation between Maddie and her BFF Taylor Swift!" Footage starts to play of the conversation between me and Taylor Lll I accepted my award. We exchange looks quickly before turning our attention back to the TV, already knowing what was coming.

"I didn't know you had a brother!" Tay whispers
"Yeah, a twin brother actually. His names Michael"
"Well I'd love to meet him sometime! Did he come today?"
"He's around here somewhere......."
The stupid gossipy presenter appears on the screen again.
"So after we viewed this footage we got even curiouser. Maddie C has a twin brother called Michael! And he was at the awards show last night! So we kept reviewing the footage of the show. And we couldn't help but fan girl over the cute little cheek-poking/hair messing incident between Maddie and 5sos member Michael Clifford. And we'll admit it, we did a little bit more snooping. Our curiosity was peaked when we remembered that Maddie's twin brother was called Michael! But the icing on the cake? This footage paparazzi captured of a conversation between Maddie and her boyfriend Ed Sheeran!"

I feel Ed slip his arm around my shoulders and pull me even closer.
"What's my last name Ed?" I ask.
"Clifford" he replies, looking at me weirdly.
"Michael and Maddie Clifford?" He asks "so Michael is......?"
"He's my twin brother"

Tears fill my eyes as the stupid, annoying, exposing reporter once again reappears on the screen.
"Maddie Clifford! Your secret is out!" She announces before I burst into tears. I worked so hard to keep it a secret. So fucking hard. And now, it's all over. I pull out my iPhone after hugging Ed and Tay and call the number that's been saved in my contacts list ever since I found him again. The phone rings and rings until he finally picks up.
"Hello?" He asks "who is this and how did you get my number?"
"Mikey it's Maddie" I tell him, my voice cracking halfway through. "Do you think you could come over? I-I need my big brother......"

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