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I adjust my dress as I look at myself in the mirror. I'm proud of this design, it's one of my favourites. It's simple, but intricate as well. A grey dress, coming midway down my thigh, it's strapless with a sweetheart neckline and then a grey lace overlay on top that covers my arms and the top of my neckline, bring it up a couple of centimetres so it isn't indecent. The stylists pushed me into a chair and straightened my long, blonde hair before pinning a tiny bit on each side back. Red lipstick and light makeup as well as a pair of silver heels. For once, I actually looked good.

Ed's tie matched my dress. It was sleek and grey and patterned with the same designs as the lace on my dress. He walked into the room and his jaw dropped. I smiled at him as his eyes raked up and down my body before he walked closer to me, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.
"You look absolutely breathtaking Maddie" he whispers.
"You don't look so bad yourself" I laugh.
"You ready?" He asks, playing with my hair.
"As ready as I'll ever be" I laugh, fixing his tie before taking his hand and walking towards the limo.
You could see the flashes from cameras inside the limo, through the dark tinted windows of the car. Honestly I'm terrified. Ed and I split up halfway through the limo ride so that we could announce our relationship on the red carpet. Im starting to wish he hadn't left. It's my first red carpet, my first awards show. Taking a deep breathe, I nodded to the driver, who opened the limo door. I stepped out of the car carefully, smoothing down my dress as I stood upright.

Almost immediately, fans start screaming and cameras start flashing. I fight against the urge to scream and run away and smiled at the fans and waved. More screaming. I start to make my way down the carpet, being careful not to trip. I pose when I'm told and I smile and wave. Every couple of minutes, a new limo pulls up and I glance behind, trying to find Ed. he's still not here and I'm getting really nervous. If he doesn't show soon, the ceremony is going to start and we won't have time for the announcement.

Another Car pulls up and I look behind me, hoping its Ed. But when the doors open, 4 boys tumble out of the car. One with a blonde quiff, one with curls and a bandana, one with dark hair and blonde streaks and one with pale white hair. I freeze when I realise who they are. They start to make their way down the carpet, Ashton smiling when a girl comes up to him and kisses his cheek, linking their arms together. That's his new girlfriend, Meg or Maggie or whatever. I still can't remember her name. I'm glad he's moving on and happy. I keep walking, they haven't noticed me. Yet.

Another limo pulls up and I turn around again. This time, I see a flash of red hair and within seconds, I can see my boyfriend smiling and waving at fans. I fight the urge to squeal and keep walking, smiling wider and standing up a bit straighter. He was going to get to the first interviewer, that was the plan. I watch him approach the first person waiting with a microphone outstretched. I keep posing and smiling, before making my way over to talk to my fans.

"Maddie!" I hear Ed yell. At the mention of my name, Michael, Ashton, Luke, Calum, Taylor and a bunch of other people start to look around.
"Ed!" I yell back, starting to pick my way through the crowds. He grins at me, pushing past people until there's a clear path towards me. He starts walking towards me and I start walking to him, after a while, we start to run and I jump. He catches me in his arms and spins me around. Its cliche, but it works. As a finishing touch, he leaning in, connecting our lips together.

All around us, lights start flashing and people start screaming but all I can concerntrate on is the gorgeous boy in front of me and his lips on mine. Eventually we pull away, and just stare into each other's eyes. He puts me down gently and I giggle, turning around to face the people watching. Three faces stand out to me. The first is Taylor's. She's grinning like crazy and basically jumping up and down in excitement. Then Michael. He looks absolutely furious. Protective older brother mode-ACTIVATED. Then there's Ashton. He looks like he can't decide how he wants to feel. A mixture of shock, anger, and disappointment written across his face. I sigh, turning away from them and wrapping my arms around Ed again, pulling him into a hug. He laughs and hugs me back. For once, despite the cameras flashing and the screaming fans and the angry twin brothers and the sad ex-boyfriends, everything is perfect.

The Stolen Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें