Please read: Rolling Stone and taking a break

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Hey guys. So, as most people in the world know, 5sos did an interview for Rolling Stone Magazine. The cover was amazing, they all looked amazing, it seemed like it would be something worth reading. Unfortunately, it wasn't out in Australia so I had to look online.

I am completely and utterly disgusted by the comments that were made. The whole article was pointless and basically just trashed 5sos as a band.

I've been a fan of 5sos for a very long time, and I look up to them as idols. This interview choke tell shattered the views I had.

The interviewer wrote about the house they were in before the interview even started. He made them seem like slobs, like they didn't care about anyone but themselves.

The comments Luke and Calum made about girls was absolutely awful. Girls are not just walking vaginas with legs to be used so guys can have pleasure. Girls are just as strong, smart, and capable as any guy, and often more.

I was so pissed off that not only was Arzaylea in the article, but she was mentioned almost as much as Michael- AN ACTUAL BAND MEMBER! And all she did was claim to be an "Internet influencer" and talked about her trust fund, basically solidifying all the beliefs the fans have about her. Not only does she sound like an asshole in the interview, so does Luke.

And poor Michael. We know he's been struggling with his mental health, but the interview took it way to far. Some of his life needs to be kept secret, and the fact that someone had the gut to talk about all his mental health issues in an interview for a world renowned music magazine pissed me off so much.

On top of all this, the Australian version of the article was leaked as well, except this one didn't have all the bullshit stories about their sexual escapades and they're girlfriends. There a two versions, ones obviously real, and one obviously isn't. You decide.

People are so careless with others. They don't get that celebrities are humans too. Being a celebrity, you're obviously going to get hate. And doing things like drinking underage and smoking dangerously will get you more hate, and not just hate for you, hate for those around you. Luke and Calum, if they said those things in the interview or not, have jeopardised not only their careers, but the careers of Michael and Ashton as well. And by not making a statement issuing a proper apology, they're making it worse.

I'm so tired of all the drama these past few weeks, and I love all of you guys so much, but I'm going to be taking a break for the next couple of weeks, until the drama calms down. As of now, my books are on hold. Please, continue to read and share them, as I will continue to write, but I won't be posting anything for a few weeks.

Thanks for everything Angels. Keep your heads up. This will all die down soon👍🏼.


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