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I smile proudly as I watch Ed on stage. As usual, his performance was amazing. He's already won two awards tonight and I can't even explain how happy I am for him. The next category is Artist to watch and I'm nominated-something I found out yesterday. I watch as Ed opens the envelope with the winner written on it.
"The winner is......Maddie C with her song Lies!" I sit there in shock until Taylor nudges me. I won. I actually won. I make my way up onto the stage, being careful not to trip. I reach the top of the stairs and Ed pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.
"You did it Mads" he whispers to me "you won!" I laugh, kissing him quickly before taking the microphone.

"I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. To my fans, to my amazing friends. To my gorgeous boyfriend. I also want to say thank you to my brother. Even though we fought, I still love you! Thank you so much!" I walked off stage grinning like a maniac. I take my seat next to Taylor, who hugs me.
"I didn't know you had a brother!" She whispers, trying not to interrupt the next announcement.
"Yeah, a twin brother actually. His names Michael"
"Well I'd love to meet him sometime! Did he come today?"
"He's around here somewhere......."

"And the winner is.......Maddie C with her song Lies!" Maddie won. My sister. She won. I watch as the video cameras zoom in on my baby sisters face, projecting her reaction on the big screens up on the stage. She sits still, frozen until she gets nudged by Taylor Swift. She's friends with Taylor Swift. Bloody hell, she gets more famous every day. Maddie grins, walking onto the stage and hugging Ed. I can't believe she's dating him. Yeah, he's nice and all, but I thought she still had feelings for Ashton. She takes the microphone.
"I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. To my fans, to my amazing friends. To my gorgeous boyfriend. I also want to say thank you to my brother. Even though we fought, I still love you! Thank you so much!" She smiles and walks off as I sit and process her words. She wanted to thank me. And she said she still loved me. I cheered louder than the other people around me and clapped for my sister, maybe everything would finally be okay.

I stood backstage, nervously fidgeting with my fingers. It was my turn to go out and guest host. I was announcing the award for song of the summer, the new category. I heard the cheering and clapping and walked out onto the stage, waving and smiling at the audience. I finally reached the microphone and pulled out the envelope.
"And the winner of the VMA for song of the summer goes to.....5 seconds of summer!" I announce before stopping to think about my own words. I have to present an award to my brother, ex-boyfriend, and their best friends. Shit. The fan girls start screaming and the boys jumped up, hugging each other and freaking out. They start to make their way onto the stage and I take a deep breathe. I force myself to keep smiling and looking happy.

The first one on stage is Calum. He leans in and kisses my cheek, grinning at me. Luke comes next, smiling and pulling me into a hug. He laughs when he lets me go before passing me off to Ashton. My breath catches in my throat when he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head, like Ed does.
"Maddie" he whispers before letting me go. The last one is Michael who stands there awkwardly before he quickly grabs me and squeezes me into a hug.
"Hey Mad one" he mutters.
"Hi Mikey" he pulls away from the hug and grins down at me, before sticking out a finger and poking my cheek. Annoyed, I reach up and ruffle his hair. He glares at me and I glare right back before he walks away to stand with the boys and begin their speech. Finally, I realise what just happened and stand up a little straighter. I just had a reunion with my brother. On live TV. Shit. I look over at Ed who's shifting uncomfortably in his seat and glaring at the boys. Aww jealous Ed is cute. Next I look at Taylor. She's closely watching me and Michael and then all of a sudden her eyes go wide. Maybe she figured it out. The boys finish their speech and walk off stage and I follow. It was only when I got backstage that I realised the innocent hugs and kisses with the boys would cause a whole lot of cuddle.
"Maddie" Ed asked quietly as we walked down the street to his house "are you cheating on me?"
I pull away and look at him with Wide eyes.
"Why would you think that Ed!" I ask.
"What else am I supposed to think! What was the thing with those two boys from that boy band? The seconds one? I have every reason to be worried Maddie! I can't lose you!"

I feel tears start to fall as I rush forward to wrap my arms around Ed. He shrugs me off and pushes me away.
"Ed." I tell him "you have to believe me. I promise there's an explanation!"
"That's what they all say Maddie" he mutters.
"Ed! What's the 5sos member  with the coloured hair's last name?" I ask.
"I think it's Clifford or something! Maddie how is his proving anything!"
"What's my last name Ed?"
"Clifford" he replies, looking at me weirdly. All of a sudden, something seems to click in his head.
"Michael and Maddie Clifford?" He asks "so Michael is......?"
"He's my twin brother"

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