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Looking down at the beautiful girl sleeping in my arms, I sighed contentedly. She was stunning, all I could ever want in a girl. Long blonde hair, big green eyes, a killer smile and an awesome personality.

She's my girl. Always has been, and always will be. I won't let anyone get in the way. I love this girl more than anything else and I don't want to screw this up. That's why I'm nervous for when she wakes up.

I want her to meet my family. I want my family to meet the girl I love. I know we only just got back together, but Mum's been asking about it for a while.

I sigh, and decide to ask her later. Untangling myself from our hug, I quietly make my way out of the room, careful not to wake her, and walk into the kitchen, only to come face to face with Cristiana and Luke making out against a wall.

"Woah!" I yell, shielding my eyes "keep it PG guys!"

They quickly jump apart and stare at the ground sheepishly.

"Sorry Ash!" Cris yells, running a hand through her long, dark hair. "I haven't seen Lukey in a month! You can't blame me!"

"Sorry man" Luke sighs, winding his arm around Cris' waist "I missed her a lot"

"I get it, you guys missed each other. Just keep your dick in your pants and your boobs in your bra. No sex in the kitchen!"

"Oh my god" Cris whispers, red tinting her cheeks.

"Ashton!" Luke whines "seriously dude? I hate you sometimes!"

"Is Maddie awake?" Cris asks.

"Yes! I missed you Crissy!" Maddie squeals as she walks into the kitchen, dressed in only her short pyjama shorts and crop top, with her blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun.

I shift uncomfortably, trying to hide the hard on Maddie has given me as she and Cris leave the room, giggling.

What is this girl doing to me?


I drag Cris upstairs and throw myself onto my bed before grinning at her.

"I missed you!" She squeals, pulling me into a hug. I laugh and hug back.

"I missed you too! Now tell me all about how things are going with Luke!"

Cristiana's happy expression fades away when I ask that, and she looks down.
"Everything's great! I haven't seen him for a month! The only problem was that when i didn't see him because he was on tour, he kept getting pictured with this girl, Azaylea? Arzaylea? Something like that. And there were photos of them holding hands and Luke looked drunk or high in half the photos and it just made me wonder if he's cheating on me? Like, I know Luke would never do that, but when he's drunk he does stupid stuff. And I asked him and he said it was just management, promotion for the new album! I'm just so worried I'm going to lose him!" She rambles.

"Breathe Hun" I tell her, stroking her back "I know Luke and he wouldn't do that! Don't worry!" She sighs loudly and wipes away her tears.

"Thanks Mads" she smiles, hugging me before rushing out of the room.

I grin at her retreating figure before making my way back downstairs.

Ashton smiles at me when I walk back into the kitchen, and pulls me into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"So I've been thinking" He mutters "I want you to meet my mum and siblings"

It takes a few seconds for Ashton's words to completely sink in, but when they do, I pull away and stare at him.

"Are you sure" I ask cautiously "what if they don't like me?"

He smiles genuinely and pulls me into a kiss.

"Don't worry babe" he reassures "they'll love you"


Half an hour later, I'm sat nervously in Ashton's car as he drives me to his mums house.

"Are you sure they won't hate me?" I ask as we pull into the driveway. Ash sighs as he opens his door before sprinting around to my door to open it for me.

"They'll love you. You're the most amazing and beautiful girl and I'm sure everything will be awesome. Don't worry! Just breathe. Alright?"

"Alright" I mutter, entwining my hand with his and following him as he leads me over to the front door and knocks. We only have to wait a few moments until a small boy, maybe about ten years old opens the door. His eyes widen when he sees us.

"Mum!" He yells "Ashton's back! And he brought a pretty girl with him!"

A/N: guyyyyys. I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated! I've had heaps of school work but it's finally finished now! Here's a crappy chapter with another one coming tomorrow. I'm still working on an update for The Hemmings Twin, but I've written three chapters for a new book called The Other Irwin which I will be uploading tonightttt! Love you guys!!!

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