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The days following the news report when my secret was leaked were a blur. Interviews and press conferences occurred almost hourly and at the end of every day, I was exhausted. Ed had to drag me out of bed every morning and by the time we hit the 5 day mark I was close to collapsing. My fame had skyrocketed once it came out that I was the twin to THE Michael Clifford and suddenly every news show in the world wanted to interview me. Everyone wanted to claim that they had interviewed Maddie Clifford. And I was sick of it.

"I'm so done with this!" I moaned to Ed as we sat on the bed, him massaging my shoulders "I need a break" I let  another moan as Ed manages to get a knot out of my back, leaving me relaxed and calm for the first time in what feels like forever.

"If you need a break baby then take some time off" he laughs, continuing his amazing massage.

"I can't." I groan "I have my fashion show next week and I need to finalise the designs"

"So push it back a couple of weeks. You're so stressed Maddie and you need some time to yourself" he shrugs.

I nod.

"Maybe a break is a good idea. I could talk to Anna, get her to handle all the press and then I could work on the designs in private! I don't wanna stay here though. How do you feel about coming back with me to Australia?"

Ed stops his massage and looks down, shocked.

"Y-you want me to come with you?" He questions.

"Of course I want you to come you idiot! You're my boyfriend and I always miss you. Did you seriously think I would leave you behind?"

He nods shyly, reaching up to rub his eye.

"I thought you might want time away from me as well" he mumbles.

I smile up at my adorable boyfriend before kissing him quickly and grinning at him.

"I'll go book the tickets now. When do you want to leave?"

"Whenever you want babe" he smiles, climbing off the bed and heading into the kitchen. "Want me to make dinner? I'm skilled in the art of ordering take-away Chinese food!"

I laugh. I made the right choice with Ed. Now all I have to do is introduce him to the family and hope him and Mikey get along.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. We will be landing at Sydney international airport in around 20 minutes. We hope you had a pleasant flight, and thank you for flying with QANTAS!" The mechanical voice announced as I grin. I'm almost home again.

I bounce up and down in my seat in excitement, much to the entertainment of Ed who looks at me strangely and laughs.

"Calm down Maddie!" He tells me, rolling his eyes as he attempts to stop my jumping.

"Sorry Eddie, I'm just sooooo exciteddddd!" I inform him.

"I can see. But you need to stop. Okay?" He tries to look serious but fails and just starts laughing at me.

"Okay!" I look out of the plane window to see Sydney in all of its glory. I squeal excitedly only yo be shushed by several passengers and 3 flight attendants. I roll my eyes. They can't judge me.

15 minutes later and the plane has landed safely. I basically run out of the plane and into the waiting area where Michael is waiting.

"Mikeyyyyyyy" I scream, jumping into him and hugging him tightly.

"Hey Mads" he laughs as he hugs back. I look beyond him to the boys who grin and wave at me before I attack them with hugs as well.

"Don't worry Maddie, I got the bags" Ed huffs as he appears beside me with all the bags.

"Oh my god! Eddie I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around him and quickly kissing him. "I'm the worst girlfriend ever!"

"It's okay Maddie, I was kidding" he chuckles, leaning down to kiss me again "I love you"

I smile up at him and kiss back.

"I love you too Ed"


Seing Ed with Maddie caused a feeling of jealousy to come over me. I thought, maybe now that my contract with Megan was over and with Maddie coming back home, that we could maybe fix our relationship. I didn't know that she was going to bring Ed.

It should be me exchanging 'I love you's with Maddie. I had her first. I know deep down that I have to get her back before her and Ed get even more serious. But every time I see them kiss or one of them says they love the other I lose more and more hope. And if I don't act quickly, my actions will be futile.

"Ewwww" Mikey screeches, trying to detach Ed and Maddie who are now full-on In making out. I laugh at his failed attempts and reach over to grab one of Maddie's bag that are sitting in a pile from where Ed abandoned them.

"Don't worry dude, I got it." Ed laughs, trying to take the bag off me.

"No, I've got it! Don't worry. It's the least I can do!" I tell him in a snotty voice before storming off. All I can do is think how I'm just making things worse and making Maddie hate me more.


Ashton's little outburst takes me by surprise and all of a sudden, I don't feel so happy anymore. Ed turns to me as we make our way to the cars Mikey organised.

"What was that about?"

"Um" I chuckle nervously "I didn't tell you before but Ashton and I have a past....."

"What do you mean by past Maddie?" Ed questions.

"As in we used to date...." I mutter. Ed turns to me with an angry look in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He hisses "I wouldn't have cared but you lied to me!"

He storms on ahead and walks right up to Ashton.

"Oi!" He says, voice thick with anger "keep your hands OFF of my girlfriend. She's mine now, not yours, don't screw this relationship up for me!"

Ashton turns to face Ed, anger flashing in his eyes as well.

"Maddie was mine first Sheeran! She's always been mine! And I'll prove it!"

Before I can process Ashton's words, he's striding towards me and within seconds, he's in front of me. I look up at him questioningly but before I can ask what he's doing, he grabs my face and forces our lips together.

It takes me all of two seconds to process what's happening before I shove him off me and knee him in the balls. He falls to the ground groaning as I stand above him, breathing heavily. And then, chaos erupts. Calum and Luke rush over to me, checking I was okay. Michael leans down and helps Ashton to his feet before shoving him up against a car and yelling at him for the way he treated me. And Ed just sits on the floor cuddling a small velvet box to his chest.

"Stop!" A voice announces after a few minutes. "I said stop!"

Everyone turns to Ed who is now standing up and looking straight at me.

"Maddie, I am so sorry. I love you so much and now I've messed up by failing to get along with your brother and his friends. And I'm so sorry. I know we haven't been together long, but I already know that you're the most important person in the world to me. And I want to protect you and love you and hold you in my arms forever. I wanted to do this at a big fancy restaurant or some thing, but I think nows a good a time as any" he announces, before pulling out the velvet box and bending down so he was on one knee.

I gasp. He couldn't be. Could he? We've only been together just over six months. But I think he is. I cover my mouth in shock.

"Maddie Olivia Clifford, will you marry me......?"

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