What The Hell Have You Done?《8》

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~Tori P.O.V ~

I grabbed my plastic bottles that are plum full with money and I took one more good look around my room. I look at all the posters and shit I'm leaving behind. And walked into the bathroom to see how bad my face looked. Then I heard a door get slammed. 'Shit' I mumbled. I put the bottles In my hippy bag and walked out to the front door and prepared myself.

~James P.O.V ~

I walk past Tori who was standing by the door. She put out her ciggerette and gave me a dirty look. I ignored it and walked in grabbed a beer and sat on the couch and watched some random show. About 14 minutes later Tori walked in.

I walked outside because I heard a car get started up. I se a man by a older car leaning on it. He goes to pull a gun. I grab mine before he grabs his. "Drop the gun and kick it ver here now" he did as he was told.Then the door opened.

~Tori P.O.V ~

I open the door to see James with a gun pointed at Dean. This was all my fault i got Dean in this mess. "James p...Please don't" I crooked. "What Tori?" "You don't want me to do this?" The a gunshot went off and Dean fell to the ground gripping his chest. I scream to the top of my lungs "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" I run to Dean. James took of him his car. I get Dean up into the impala and hall ass to the hospital and called Sam.

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