Back Home《14》

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~ Tori P.O.V ~

Me and Dean were texting all morning and night. He was exited to see me and so was I. I missed him so much. We are suprusing Sam when we get home. He doesn't know that Dean is home. Sam has been depressed lately and he won't talk to me about it,so hopefully he will get better when he see's Dean.

We stop at a gas station to fill up and to stretch. Sam gets out and begins to full her up. I walk into the store and get a Sweet Tea and a bottle of water. I turn around and run right into someone. I look up and see James. My stomach dropped. I began to move and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Where have you been Tori?" "Away from you James" I snapped at him. I then see Sam walk in he payed and began to walk back here. I tried to get out of James grip before Sam was back here. Sam saw him and I could see the anger in his eyes he walked over to James and punched him in the face and James let go of me and hit Sam back. I ran up front and payed for the drinks and went back to pull Sam of James do we could leave.

We get into the car and pull away. "I could handle it Sam" I say trying to be calm. "He was hurting you Tori and i promised Dean you wouldn't get hurt!" He as basically yelled now. I shut up after that. 'I promised Dean you wouldn't get hurt' just kept running though my head.

We pull the impala into the bunker. I pop the trunk and tell Sam I got it. He nods and walks into the door that leads to the kitchen. I grab the bags and close the trunk and walk in. I see Sam in tears and Dean hugging him. I put the bags on the table and hug them both. Dean pulls away from Sam and looks at me and kissed me and hugs me really tight and that was something I needed.

-Later That Night-

I walk into the kitchen looking for stuff to make us dinner. I find stuff to make spaghetti. I heat up the water and put noodles in and put the sauce on. I turn the radio on and look for a good station. I soon find a rock station playing One by Metallica. I hum along and son hear Dean singing I smile.

I make everyone a plate and we sit down and eat. We finish eating and i clean the dishes and put them away. I bring the boys a beer. I sit and watch a bit of the show they are watching. "Ima show be back in a bit" they nod.

-15 minutes later-

I get out and get a pair of sweats but I can't find a shirt. So I go into Dean's room and find on of his flannels. I walk back out there to see Dean. "Hi Baby" he says to me in a real sweet voice. "Hi" I say smiling at him. "are you wearing my flannel?" He asks me "yeah" I say laying down on his thigh "I couldn't find one of my shirts so I took this one" "keep it. It looks good on you" "I was gonna keep it anyway" he laughs and kisses my forehead.

~Deans P.O.V ~

Tori walks out in my flannel. She layed down on my lap and soon dosed off. I set my beer down on the table and stand up and pick her up and carry her to my room and lay her down. I put sweats on and take my shirt off and lay down next to her.

~Tori P.O.V ~

He lays down next to me and I wake up. I turn around and face him. His eyes flutter open and looks at me. I look at his scars on his chest and the circle scar on his shoulder. I touch them lightly. "Baby it's not your fault. Okay? Don't think that was your fault." He touches my chin and kisses my lips very softly. "I love you Tori" "I love you to Dean" I turn back around and Dean wraps his arms around my waist and I fall asleep in his arms witch was what I needed.

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