Shit... 《21》

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I wake up to Gunner liking my face and nipping my nose. I pet him and I cuddle with him and then I hear my phone buzz. I grab it and see a text from Dean.

D: Hey everything is hunter safe at the bunker right?

I read that and feel my heart best and bight faster.

T: Yeah it should be I can go make sure. If you would like?

D: yes please look at everything okay?

T: What is the matter? What happened?

D:Nothing to worry about I promise.

I then heard a huge bang and a loud ringing noise. My heart races shit I mumble to myself. I get up and get the salt rifle out from under neath the bed. I keep Gunner in the bed room and I walk out. I make my way to the livingroom and here pans getting knocked around. I feel my heart beating out of my chest. I slowly walk into the kitchen. Then my phone starts to blare Highway to hell. My heart beats faster. I pick up the phone. It's Dean.
"Tori you need to get the hell out of the bunker now!"

"Dean what the hell is going on?"

"I can explain later just get out"

"Dean god damn it im not leaving till you tell me."

Then I hear a huge bang coming from the garage.

"Tori please get out"

"Dean fucking tell me now"

"Tori,Cowley is coming to fucking get you now get out!"

I walk out to the Garage and see Cowley standing there.

I yell.

"Hello darling"
Cowley walks up to me and grabs the phone I could hear Dean yelling and cussing up a storm on the other end. He hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket.

"Let's have some fun now shall we?"
I lung to to him hoping to hit him with the butt of the salt rifle. I go to hit him then he grabs it and hits me.
I look around everything gets blury and I begin to get dizzy. I try to punch Cowley. He grabs my fist and holds me till everything blends into one and I soon then fall into a deep sleep.
Hours later
I soon wake up in the woods tied to a tree. I begin to see normal sight agian. I feel blood slowly going down my face. I see Cowley and I feel the world begin to spin and Cowley voice fade in and out. It then when all dark.
I then wake up and jerk up and begin to struggle to get out of the ropes. Then Cowley walks in. "Hello Tori Lee or should I say Tori Winchester" "Shut the hell up" "fusty now aren't we" "just let me go. We didn't do anything thing to you". He pulled out a knife and walked towards me. "Shall we start?" He says. I spit and look at him with decuste. "You shouldn't have done that".

Hope ya'll are liking the story so far. Would anyone be willing to help me write? If so PM me please.

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