Dirty Deeds Done Cheep 《22》

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I look at Cowley with a 'what you gonna do bite me?' Look. He then pulled a long knife out of his jacket. My heart begin to pound out of my chest. I could feel my whole world slipping away from me very slowly. He brought it up to my chest and slowly drug it across my chest. The pain was unbarable. I wanted to make some noise but I couldnt. I had to show I wasn't just a hunters wife.

He did that more and more times. "Were and the hell are the winchester boys at!?" He said with much anger. I spat all the blood out of my mouth that came from him hitting me repeatedly. "Like I told you I'm not fucking telling you" I say looking at him. I saw his eye borow and he gave me a dirty look.

He looked at me up and down. "I see you are have a baby girl". I look at him confused. "What the fuck are you talking about!" I say. He smiles at me and looks at my stomach. "You are having a baby girl and you are about 3 months pregnant,Darling". My heart beats faster but beats faster when i hear my phone go off. "Oh god" I mumble. "Speaking of the Baby Daddy" he say and grabs my phone and hits answer and puts it on speaker.

"Hey baby" Dean says
My heart drops. Cowley walks up to me with the long knife in hand and phone in the other. He looks at me and says

"Hello Deano"

"Cowley" I hear Dean say. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I swear to god Crowley if you hurt her...."

"You will what princess?"

The other line was quiet and I then heard him sigh.

"Okay I need the blade Dean. And I know you have it"

'What blade' I think to my self as I watch what Crowley does with the knife.

"Or I will kill your lovely wife and soon to be newborn daughter " he says to Dean as he looks at me.

He was yelling and cussing up a storm. "I swear to god If you hurt her you son of a bitch. I will kill you and it will be slow and painful."

I looked a Crowley and he had a smile on his face and an evil look in his eyes.

"Then maybe you should have told me Dean." Crowley then looked at me and took the blade and dragged the tip and pushed down.

I walled in a pain. I could hear Dean yelling and swearing. I tried to pull my hands from from the ropes I was tied in but I couldnt get free. I looked a the ground below me and saw the blood dripping to a Crimson puddle. I lifted my head and saw Crowley walk behind me and then I felt my hands turn free.

I throw my hands to the gapping slice in my stomach. I then feel to the ground and walled in my pain. Then two men came to me and one picked me up and carried me bridal style to a car. My head bobbed back and forth. My vision was starting to blur and all that was running through my mind was 'the baby is dead'.

Hours later

I wake up and im in the car with the men and Crowley. "Hello darling " he says to me. I moan in pain as I sit up and try to get in a comfable way to sit. "Where.. are we" I say looking at him with hate in my eyes. "On the way to Dean to retrieve the blade and to give you the little whore back" He say looking at me. I felt a fire ignight in me.
"You son of a bitch" I yell "you fucking use me as a punching bag then use me as bait to get my husband to give you a fucking dumb blade and then you killed my baby and almost killed me. And now you are fucking calling me a whore!" I was far from pissed. And the way he was talking to me pissed me off more. "I could have killed you Tori" he says to me looking me in the eyes. The car then comes to a stop and i see Dean in the impala looking unbarably pissed.

Dean's P.O.V

After the phone call ended I grabbed Sam and hauled ass to the meeting point. As we were driving I told Sam everything and what happened. I look at the road and all of this shit is just running in my mind. 'She is pregnant' 'why does he need the blade' I snap out of it and yell son of a bitch and hit the steering wheel . "Calm down Dean" Sam says to me.
"How the fuck am I supposed to stay calm Tori is pregnant and Crowley is hurting her. Fucking Crowley wants the fucking blade and i dont know why!" I yell and hit the steering wheel again and push a little bit more on the pedal. Sam gave me a looked but I ignored it.

Well get to the meeting place and we wait for 20 minutes or so and I then see a black car pull up. Crowley opens the door and steps out and walks over to me and Sam.

He looks at Sam "Moose" he says to him. He looks at me "Dean the blade please"

"Let me see Tori" I say. I could feel the fire inside of me.

"The whore is there trust me" he says looking at me.

I walk over to the end of the impala and open the trunk then the second trunk. I grab the blade and hold it in the opposite hand from the mark and I then close the trunks and walk back over.

"Boys" Crowley says. Then the two guys open the door and pull Tori out of the car. They pull her out by her arms and i could see she was in very bad pain. I handed Crowley the blade and they give me Tori.

I take her from the and pull her into a huge hug and put her in the car. I walk around impala and make eye contact with Crowley. "Dirty Deeds Done Cheep boys" he says I get the car and drive off.

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