Blonde on The Run 《11》

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-Couple Days Later-

~Tori P.O.V ~

I woke up hours before Sam woke up. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and walked out of my room. I walk down Into the kitchen to see Sam facedown on the table with books all around him. I smile and clean up around him. I stake his books and papers all together.

I wake him up and drag him to his room. I go back out to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. I sit and watch a couple tv shows. I soon then wounder in the kitchen and begin to make batter for pancakes. I make pancakes and bacon and some Oj.

I soon hear Sam coming from his room so I dish him a plate. "Thank you Little Lee" "No problem" I say smiling before I drink my Oj. "So I found a case" he says looking at me. "Where is it at?" "Jackson Hole" "That's a long drive" I say " I know but it won't be long if we don't have to stop every 2 hours" he said teasing me.

After breakfast I got to my room and pack my bags. After that I shower and do little make-up. I walk out of my room with my bags and set them on the table. Sam walks up and hands me a fake F.B.I bag. I laugh and thank him. We walk out and put are stuff in the back set.

We set off on the road to Jackson Hole. I put a guns 'n' roses Cd. We both sing to the top of are lungs to Paradise City. Then Welcome to The Jungle came on. We did air guitar and lip singing and drums. We the got to the first hotel. We take are stuff into the room and I crawled onto the bed and crash.

The next day we head to Jackson Hole. We get to the sence where there was a dead body with claw marks from his chest down and he was missing his heart. We talk to people who seen it or who heard about it. We go to the impala and agree it's a werewolf. We go to the hotel and get ready.

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