Where am I? 《24》

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Tori P.O.V

I wake up with a pounding headache and a eathy smell. I sit up to see im in a building cover in vines and weeds sprouting. I stand up and walk over to a broken mirror. My face was covered in face paint and my hair was up. I was wearing clothes I have never worn before.

My heart beats faster where am I i think. I walk away from the mirror and look around the room.  I walk back to the place I was sleeping to find a bag. I sit down and un zip it.  I find a gun and knife holsters with the knife and gun.

I put them on and go back to digging in the bag. I find ammo and some food and water. I slide the bag on my back and walk out the door. I look around  the earthy building looking for my way out. I pass a room with a horrible smell escaping what was left of a door. From what I could see though the small window there were bodies piled on the floor.

I walked a bit faster after seeing that. I found a flight of stairs. I went down them carefully not knowing if they could break underneath me. I was now in the main lobby. I pace around and look around for anything. I then hear I girl yell from outside the main doors. I turn and look and see a huge man with heavy gear on and face paint on him face.

He has the girl down on her knees bagging for her life. She crys and crys and he yells at her. The girls head whips around at the doors and looks at me. My heart drops. Oh god I think. She yells again looking me strait in the eyes. He picks up a huge knife and slices her head off. Her head falls from her shoulders. Everything seems to be in slow motion. My ears rings and everything seems to shake.

I hear the front doors burst. I jump up and run to the back door and bolt. I run and run as fast as my feet can take me. I hear gun shots being fired at me and yelling. I just keep running. Hoping they won't catch me and do what they did to that girl to me.

I make it to what i would call the woods. Everything is very green and lush. I begin walking around looking for anything I could use. Anything I could drink or eat. I hear branches snap behind me. I duck and turn around to see a doe gazing the green grass.

I shake my fear off and continue to walk. I soon find a running water source. I drop my bag and drop to my knees and drink handfuls of water.  I dry my hands off and whip my face trying to get the face paint to come off. But I won't. I decided to keep walking and try to find people who won't like they want to kill me.

I look up at the sky to see its about noonish  so I keep walking. I follow the stream I had found and continue to walk. I could hear lots of water. I the sound of that much water made my hear race with fear. I drop to a crouch and move around and look for people or animals. I could see nothing hear nothing other then the waterfall I could now see.

I pull out my knife and begin walking to the water fall. No one or nothing is here. There is a path that leads behind the water fall so I follow it. I walk behind it and look around inside. There was animal hides that were hung up and dried out meat. I felt safe in here.

Time skip to late evening

I had gather stuff to make a fire and I had made a bed from the hides, i was sitting there messing around with my knife when I could hear people out side.
I heard dogs barking and the sound of horses hooves hitting the earth. I feel my heart beat faster and faster. I tried to steady my heart beat but it didn't work.

I heard a male yell at someone else and it sounded like home. It sounded so safe and secure. I knew that voice. Dean. I ran stand up and run out of the cave behind the waterfall. My feet carry me out and I stop when I see Dean. He sat on the back of a horse with a decorated saddle that had blood splattered on it.

"Dean" I yell and rush to him. He looks at me and pulls a gun out and aims it at me. This stops me in my tracks I drop to my knees."Who are you!" He yells. The horse throws himself up. "Tori! Your wife!" I yell. He shakes his head. " I know no Tori and im not married" he says and pulls the trigger.


Hey guys im back! Tell me what you guys think of this please.

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