Chapter 4- Please dont tell

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We were at the video shoot and I was watching Gabe shoot his part when I heard someone whisper in my ear "I saw what happened and it wasn't pretty". I turned around it was will an e was holding cole from his shirt.

"YOU TOLD HIM" I was so mad I never thought he would tell anyone

Cole: "I didn't tell him anything he saw on his own"

Will: "Yes I did and if you guys don't tell him I will"

"But I can't he will break up with me" I started to cry

Will: "You should of thought about that before you slapped lips with Cole"

Surprisingly Cole wasn't saying anything. I looked at Will then at Cole and then at Gabe.

"Fine" I let out a sigh "But not now"

Will: "I give you two a week or else I tell him"

Will let go of Cole and I started to cry. I didn't know how I was going to tell him. I truly do love Gabe but that kiss was something I have never felt before. Gabe came from behind me and saw me crying and he asked me if I was ok.

Will:" She's fine trust me everything is under control"

Gabe: "Thanks guys. By the way Will its your turn"

Will nodded then left

I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. But most of the time I sat on the counter thinking about how I would tell Gabe.


We went home a little later then planned so I only had 1 hour to get ready I ran upstairs. I laid out my favorite floral dress with a pair of cute sandals to match.Took a shower then I plugged in my flat iron, got dressed, then did my hair and make up and went down stairs seeing a handsome Gabe waiting for me.

Gabe: "You look beautiful"

I smiled and went down the stairs where he kissed me on my cheek.

Gabe: "Are you ready"

I nodded then we headed towards the car.


(A/N) I'm sorry my chapters are really short. Ill try adding some length to them.

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