Chapter 18- I'm Back

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I woke up and wore black shorts with a light blue chambray shirt and studded sandals. I picked up my phone and I had a text.

From: Babe <3

Eben texted us saying we are going late today. So do you wanna go out for breakfast??

To: Babe <3

Sure. Just give me 5 mins. Ill be down.

I put on make up. Put my hair in a high bun. I grabbed my sunglasses, multicolored bangles and my purse and headed down stairs.

Cole: " Hi babe"

"Hi" I kissed him

He held my hand and we walked towards his car and we went to IHOP.

We ate and just talked. I kinda liked this. We got to know each other better. It helped us get closer. Then he said what I was afraid of.

Cole: " So... babe, I was wondering, Well I was going to go to my parents house. So do you want to come"

"Ummm... Sure"

We finished up our food. Cole payed and we got up. While he was driving he intertwined my our fingers.

Cole: "Celine, I love you"

"I love you too"

We got home.

Dalton: "Where the hell were you too"


Cole: "Here you can have the rest"

He gave them the box of leftover pancakes. I looked around the room and saw Ashley on the couch with Courtney. Courtney was crying. I walked up to them. Courtney saw me and she didn't say anything and just hugged me. She started to cry really hard in my arm. I mouthed "what happened" to Ashley. She mouthed " Dana, fight" back.

Courtney: "Why... Did... He... Do... That?"

"What happened"

Courtney: " Dana came into my room and I was on my phone and I was texting Sam. (Sam was one of Courtney's close guy friends since she was little) Well he saw and got really mad I tried to explain who he is but he wouldn't listen. He told me that he should have never asked me out and that I couldn't be trusted."

"Where is he now"

Courtney shrugged her shoulders. I turned around and I saw Dalton point to Dana's room.

"I'll be back"

Cole: "I'm coming with you"

I nodded and headed towards Dana's room. I knocked.

Dana: "GO AWAY"

Cole: "Dude open the door you have my sunglasses."

He opened the door threw the sunglasses at Cole and quickly closed the door but I was fast and was able to catch it.

Dana: "What do you want"

"Oh nothibg just wanted to know WHAT THE FK HAPPENED WITH COURTNEY"

Dana: "She was cheating on me. That's what happened."

"With Sam? Do you even know who he is?"

He paused for a while and looked at me and Cole.

Dana: "No. But does it matter."

"YES! Because Sam is Courtney's best friend since the kindergarten. He's like her older brother."

Dana: "ohhh"

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