Chapter 7- I Miss Her

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I went to Celine's room to see how she was. But she wasn't there so I just went down stairs. The first thing I see is Cole and Celine cuddled up together on the couch asleep. Wow she moved on fast. I can't believe it's actually over between us. I got a little teary until I felt two hands behind on my shoulders. It was Dana and Dalton.

Dana:" Hey I'm sorry man"

Dalton:"Ya me too"

I heard her mumble something in her sleep. Celine:" I love you an forever will" I thought she was talking about me and I smiled but then she said Cole's name and got mad and left.

Dana: "Dude where are you going"

Dalton: "Ya come back we have an interview today"

I ignored them and walked away.


I woke up with Dana and Dalton talking to someone who just left

"Who are you guys talking to"

Dana and Dalton: "Oh no one" They said together

After a couple minutes I noticed it was Gabe. "Why did he leave"

Dana:" Ummm he kinda heard you mumbling in your sleep"

Dalton: "You were telling Cole you loved him"

"Crap" I said under my breathe

Cole woke up and I told him what happened. He blushed when I told him about my mumbling but at the same time was sad to see me sad.

Cole: "I wish I can fix everything"

"Me too"

Next thing Will is running down the stairs yelling "Shit shit crap crap"

"What happened" he showed me his phone. It was a text from Ashley saying happy one monthaversary


Dalton: "Good job"

Will: "She's coming over in a hour. What should I do"

"I'll think of something you just go take her somewhere small for now then ill text you the rest"

He thanked me an hugged me then left. I went to my room so I can reserve a table at a restaurant. When I passed by Gabe's empty room I went in and took off the ring he gave me and put it on his nightstand.

I went to my room and reserved seats at this really fancy restaurant and sent Dalton to buy Ashley a necklace with her name on it. I took it to the restaurant and texted Will.

The rest of the day I hung out with the boys. They cancelled the interview because 2 of them were gone. We played games and watched movies till it was like 10 o'clock and I was tired. I walked to my room to sleep passing Gabe's room. Still no sign of him. I was really starting to get worried.


I spent the whole day at the this place I used to go to when I was little to calm down it got very late so I went home. Every one was asleep so I went to my room and looked on my nightstand to turn off the light when I saw the ring I gave Celine the other night with a note "it was fun while it lasted" I started to get teary but I tried to hold it back. I laid in bed for a while then went to sleep.


I woke up and wore a floral skirt with a pink tank top that was tucked into the skirt. I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen to find Gabe sitting there. I was really happy to see him and that he was ok but I tried not to show it. The whole time it was silent. But it got worse when Cole came down stairs. It was still silent but the expression in both their faces hurt so much.

Dana and Dalton walked on the stairs.

Dana and Dalton: "Hey guys" We all still kept silent. They looked at each other an shrugged.

Dana:" Well this is awkward" Dalton nodded.

"Gabe can we talk please" he ignored me so I just left and went to my room and started scrolling through Instagram. I heard a knock on the door. I looked and it was Gabe. I just looked at him and he knew it was ok to come in.

Gabe: "I'm so sorry I know I overreacting but you know you can't blame me"

"I know I know"

Gabe:" Do you want to get back together"

"Gabe I'm sorry but we keep messing up. You think about your work a lot and I think that's fine and thats all you should worry about right now"


"I'm sorry" I kiss him on the cheek for the last time then go lay down on my bed facing the opposite direction


(A/N) so how is it? I suck at writing and I would really like some feed back so please comment.

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