Chapter 20- All figured out

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I woke up and got dressed. Today is rehearsals at the place where the RDMAs are so I didn't wanna get over dressed. I wore camo leggings and a brown crop tank. I paired that with a beanie and combat boots. I went downstairs and everyone was there except Cole.

"Hey guys, where's Cole"

Dalton: "He's still sleeping"

Dana: "Lazy ass"

Ashley: "Go wake up your man"

"I have an idea Courtney come with me"

She came and I told her my plan and she did what I told her to. She laid down next to Cole and just as I suspected Cole thought it was me and wrapped his arms around her. About a minute later I screamed.


He jumped and quickly pulled away from Courtney. We started to laugh.

"Good morning babe" I kissed his soft lips

Cole: "That wasn't cool"

"At least your awake now. Go get dressed we need to be there in an hour"

Cole: "Yes mom"

I rolled my eyes and went downstairs with Courtney.

Courtney: "He's up now"

Will: "I can tell"

Dana: "Now someone go help Gabe he's having trouble getting dressed, he just texted me"

Dalton went upstairs and helped Gabe. Cole came down. He decided to match with me he was wearing a camo hoodie and a brown t shirt. He also wore a beanie. I love it when he wears beanies. He came and kissed me on the cheek.


We all laughed and we saw Dalton come down with Gabe. We went to RDMAs rehersal, Gabe went with Nairi, and Courtney and Ashley went to a movie. Meanwhile we learned how to walk off and on stage and how to present awards. He were going to present the award for Funniest Celebrity Take.

After about an hour of doing that we practiced preforming Can't Stay Away. It took forever because of the camera and light people trying to get everything right. After 2 hours we were done.


They arrived at the rehearsals and I took Gabe to the audience area and we just talked. Courtney and Ashley got bored so they went to watch a movie.

"So Gabe how's it going "

Gabe: "It's going ok. Sorta. I've been in a wheel chair for a week. I can't preform on a show I was looking forward to.

Worker: "Gabe come on your presenting the award too."

A smile lit on his face. I pushed him on stage. After an hour of practicing with that we went back to sitting.

Gabe: " So Nairi how long are you going to be our intern"

"Only one more week"

Gabe: "Why so short" the expression on his face changed to a sad face.

"I have to get back to school"

He nodded and it was quiet from there.

The guys and Celine finished and came torwards us.


"Well we are done what should we do now"


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