Chapter 5- I Promise

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We started driving and ended at the beach. He opened the door for me and we started walking to the beach where I saw a table.

"Is that for us" He nodded and held my hand and intertwined our fingers.

We sat down and fed each other chocolate cover starwberries. After we finished I got up and started running "Catch if you can" He started to chase me. He caught me then he turned me around then kissed me.

We started to walk down the side of the seashore when he took our a small box.

Gabe:"I love you and I want us to be true to each other" he handed me this ring. OMG! He bought me a promise ring. I grabbed him and kissed him.

It got cold so he gave me his jacket and we walked back to the car.

The whole time I forgot about the kiss with Cole. Until I saw him when we got home.

Will:" Hi gu-- Celine what's that on your finger"

"Oh nothing Gabe just got me a promise ring"

Gabe kissed me on the cheek. Cole looked pretty sad and Will just rolled his eyes and went upstairs.

Gabe:" What was that about"

"I don't know, I'm tired I'm going to go sleep" I kissed Gabe one the cheek and went upstairs

Gabe:" Goodnight babe"


It's only been a day an I feel so guilty. Every time I see them together I get so jealous. I love her so much and I want her to be mine but she's dating Gabe and they look happy together. When she told us it was a promise ring I was about to cry, I love her so much.

Will: "Are you ok"

"Ya I'm fine" he can tell I was lying.

I got up and went up stairs and and went to my room, locked the door, and started to cry. Until I heard a knock on the door.


I saw Cole go into his room so I decided to go talk to him. I knocked on the door. Cole came and opened it but he wouldn't show me his face. Once I saw him I gave him a right hug. "What's wrong" he said nothing and sat down on the bed. I sat down next to him and I looked at his face. He looked at mine and he tried to lean it. I pushed him away

"Cole I'm sorry and as much as I want to I'm with Gabe and I don't wanna risk ending anything"

He nodded, I gave him a hug and left.

I went to my room and I started crying I love Gabe but could I be getting feelings for Cole?

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