Chapter 8- What a Day

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I can't believe I broke up with him. But I knew it was for the best. He always has been so busy except these last few days and I never saw him even if the band wasn't working.

The guys had an interview today, the one that was supposed to be yesterday, and I didn't want to go but Cole made me so I got up to get ready. I wore black skinny jeans, a high low tribal top, and tan flats. I did my make up and went downstairs. Everyone was leaving.

Dalton: "Finally"

We all laughed. We walked to the car where Gabe drove with Dana next to him, Colton in the middle,and me in the back. We drove an picked up Will and Ashely then headed our way to the interview.

It was a really quiet car ride. When we got to the interview studio the man told me to go on too because Ashley went and I said no but cole dragged me on.

I was just sitting there listening to them answer questions when the interviewer asked " So How are things going with your girl" we both didn't answer and Gabe's face went from smile to really sad.

Cole:"Can we please just go to the next question"

Interviewer: "Sure, So Will how are things with your girl"

Will: "Perfect" then he kissed Ashley on the cheek.

The interview portion was done and when the boys went to change for there performance I sat down with Ashley.

Ashley: "So it's really over"

I nodded. She sighed and hugged me. Ashley and I were really close friends.

Ashley:"Hey what about a girls night tonight and get our mind off the boys"

"That's a great idea"

The boys came out and sang Rest of our Lives and Go. After they sang we went to the car and went to grab something to eat. We ate McDonald's.

When we got home I grabbed a jacket and my purse and went downstairs.

"Ok guys me and Ashley are going out bye"

Ashley:"Don't miss us"

Everyone said bye and we left.

Ashley:" Where shall we go"

"Spa day?!?"

Ashley:"OMG! yes"

She drove us to the spa. We got facials and massages. After those we decided to get a mani and pedi.

Ashley: "What really did happen between you and Gabe"

Ashley was a really close friend of mine and I knew I could tell her.

"Ok so the other night Cole and I were watching a movie together then when I went to sleep he kissed me and I kinda let him. Will saw us and gave me a week to tell Gabe but I couldn't so he did. Ashley that kiss was something I have never felt before, it was amazing."

Ashley: "How come you didn't give Gabe a second chance"

"Other than the last week we have never really talked because he would be busy with the band or something else. I feel like I'm closer to the other boys then I was to Gabe."

We finished our mani and pedi. I got French tips and Ashley got them polished red. After we went to get some frozen yogurt and headed home. When we walk in the guys were yelling at each other.



Ashley and I stood there laughing. She went upstairs to Will and I went to my room.

I went on my lap top to check Facebook. I haven't been on that thing since forever. I got so many early birthday wishes cause tomorrow is my 16th birthday.

I changed into my green sleeping shorts and a random tank top and went to bed.

--Next Day--


I woke up to everyone around my bed and a cake that said happy birthday Celine on it I blew out the candles then Dalton came and shoved the cake in my face.

"I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT" I chased dalton around the house. When I went into the kitchen and saw a buffet "woah"

Will:" Welcome to Celine's birthday breakfast buffet"

"OMG! Thanks guys" I hugged each and everyone of them. Then we started to eat.

When I finished I got up and started to walk upstairs when I felt someone grab me and put a blindfold on me.

"What's going on"

Dana:"Just follow me"

We went outside and he he took the blindfold off.

Dalton:" Welcome to the pick a present game show. You can pick from table 1 2 or 3."

I looked at the tables and they all had boxes of the same size but different colors. I walked torwards the 1st table and opened it.


"Thanks guys"

I hugged everyone and went upstairs. I wore blue shorts, boho style crochet tank, and gold sandals. I was putting on make up when I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it, it was Ashley.


I followed her and went downstairs where there were carnival games set everywhere and each person had their own booth. Gabe had the game where you knock down cans. Dalton was at the kissing booth. Dana had ring toss. Cole had the dart game. Will had the basketball shooting one and Ashley had tip a troll. After I won all the games. They took me to the backyard where there was a jumper. We all went in and started jumping. After we all got tired they took me out for a special birthday lunch at a fancy burger place where the people there started to sing for me.

"Thank you guys for everything this is honestly one of the best birthday days ever"

Everyone: "Your welcome"

Gabe: "You deserve it"

Dalton: " You should really thank Cole he planned all of this"

"Really?" Cole blushed and I gave him a huge hug.

We drove home singing different songs that the radio played.

Ashley: "Go change into something else us girls are gonna party tonight"

"Ok I went upstairs and got changed"

I came downstairs and then Ashely and I went to Erica's house. I walked in and there was Erica, Samantha, Christina , and my sister Amanda.

We danced, talked, sang and had a fun time until when it was about 7:30 pm.

Ashley: "Well thanks guys but we have to go"

" Thank your everything"

Erica: "Your welcome"

Samantha and Christina:"Byeee"

Amanda: "Happy birthday"

We heading home when we stopped outside the house.

Ashley: "Shit I forgot to get Will's keys"

"It's ok I have mine" I opened the door



(A/N) I can't believe people are actually reading my story. Please comment and give me some ideas I'm starting to get writer's block.

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