Chapter 21-- Leo Valdez and the Quest for Lost Love

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LEO WAS DEPRESSED. He could not function in the normal Leo way. He was never around his friends anymore, so none of them knew. At least they hadn't acknowledged it. Those few times he babysat Zoe, he just talked with her. Well at her. She couldn't speak yet. So instead, she would make little gurgling noises to show recognition for what her Uncle Leo had said.

He just wanted Calypso. He wanted her badly. He was still trying to repair the Argo II from the last time he made popcorn with his fire powers (Fun fact: After this incident, he said, "and then the fire nation attacked").

At the rate it was taking, the ship wouldn't be ready for months (yeah, it was that bad). He couldn't wait that long. It had been years since his visit to Ogygia, and he had a promise to keep. An unbreakable vow.

Leo designed a plan that involved around 10 of his siblings, a toaster, 30 packs of pop tarts, 10 tool belts, and a checklist.

He made a checklist first. He went around camp enlisting the people who would serve the most purpose. He made sure they each had a proficient tool belt. Then he stole a toaster from the Big House (sorry Chiron, it's for a good cause). Then he drove to the Costco around the corner and got bulk amounts of pop tarts.

He set up shop, meaning he plugged the toaster in, and gave everyone the safety speech.

"We don't want to 'Jackson this' okay?" He was referring to when he had Percy help out with Buford. He managed to flood almost the entire camp. Frustration is hard to control. "Keep your hands in gloves, your feet in shoes, and your pop tarts AWAY from the ship. Are we clear?"

A wave of nodding heads told him they were ready to get to work. They all started on parts of the ship. Leo had to leave by Friday if he wanted to see Calypso by Christmas. He wasn't sure how long it would take to find her. All he knew was that he loved her, and after all, love knows patience like the back of its metaphorical hand!

He didn't sleep for days. He had friends bring him meals that he could eat while he worked. All he wanted was to go see her.

After five days, the Argo II was finally ready to set sail. There was enough canned goods to last him months, and he would be leaving in a day. That night, Leo announced it to the camp at the bonfire. All of his friends were there. Percy and Annabeth, Jason and Piper, Hazel and Frank, and Nico was there... with Will Solace standing next to him. They'd been very good friends since the war with Gaea. Jason and Percy have a bet going that they're dating. Jason says he'll admit it in a week. Percy says within the next few days. They call them Solangelo. Leo thought this too, but he wasn't in on the bet.

"Hey. So lately I've been locked away working on my boat. And the reason why is because I'm... I'm setting sail tomorrow for Ogygia."

A few gasps were heard. Eyes widened. The amphitheater was silent.

Then, it erupted into a chorus of encouragement and applause.

"Yeah! Go get your girl!"
"Be safe!"
"Finally! It's been years of endless sulking. Thank the gods!"

They spent hours talking and finally went to bed. In the morning, Leo set sail.

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