Chapter 23-- Caleo and Other Ships

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IT HAD BEEN two years, six months, three weeks, six days, and seventeen hours since Leo set sail for Ogygia and Calypso. He was sleeping at the wheel (DO NOT TRY!! THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED) when the boat jerked into a stop, hitting a land mass of some kind. Leo rubbed his eyes, thinking he was still dreaming, when he saw a girl with a caramel colored braid smiling at him. When he realized that he was really awake, he quickly (and clumsily) jumped off the boat, heading straight to her, not thinking of anything except her. She grabbed him tightly, hugging him harder and with more love than he'd ever felt before.

"I told you I'd find you." He whispered into her hair.
"You idiot. You shouldn't have come back, but I'm so glad you did." She replied.
Leo took her by the hand and led her onto the boat. "Come on! We'll be home in a jiffy."
"Leo, I can't leave. You know that."
"Have you ever tested it?"
"Well, no, but-"
"Then how do you know?" He grinned that grin of his and boarded Argo II alongside the love of his life.

They lived aboard the boat for a few weeks while they were making the journey home to New York, and they hadn't been able to contact anyone. Iris-message had such a busy line. When they arrived, their first step was to call all of the Seven to a meeting at Camp Half Blood. This plan had almost backfired.

Piper wasn't doing so hot. Over the phone, Jason had informed Leo that since her father had passed away, she was in a deep depression. She was having a hard time eating and not sleeping more than six hours a night. You might say, "yes this is bad, but what else could be worse than this?" Piper was a mom. She wasn't around for her son. She was the mom who sat in her chair all day, unaware of life passing by her. She wasn't talking about anything at all. Jason was taking all of this badly, he was a nervous wreck.
"I'm telling you, man, it's not looking good. The doctor says if we can't fix it soon, there won't be anything left to fix. And Tristan just wonders why his mom's not reading him bedtime stories. I'm falling apart."
"Hey look. She'll be okay. Beauty queen is a fighter. Has her mom been in to see her?"
"Yeah. But even her charmspeaking couldn't help. I'm scared man."
"I know. Is she around?"
"She's in the other room. Do you want to try talking to her?"
"Will she talk to me?"
"Maybe. She's selective lately."
"Okay. We can try."

Leo waited while Jason coaxed Piper on the phone.
He heard a hand off and then said, "hey Beauty Queen."
She gasped on the other end. "L-Leo?" Her voice was scratchy.
"That's me. Look, I'm back in town, this time with a partner in crime. Would you and Jason wanna come over to Camp Half Blood for a few days?"
She paused, thinking it over. "Okay." She agreed. To Leo it felt like a victory.
"Okay, Pipes, try to get some sleep okay? And eat something. Talk to your kid."
"Okay." She sounded like her heart wasn't in it. Leo didn't think she would, but he had to try.

The next call he made was the Jacksons.
After a few rings, a small voice answered the phone. "Hello?" Followed by a, "Zee, what did I say about answering the phone by yourself?!" That could only be Annabeth.
Leo smiled and replied, "Hey Zoe! It's your Uncle Leo!"
"Oh you're the one with the crazy boat thing."
"What? Can you give the phone to your mom please?"
"MOM!! This guy wants to talk to you!" She yelled, almost bursting Leo's eardrum.
A moment later, there was a shuffle and a, "This is Annabeth Jackson."
"Hey Annabeth it's Leo!"
"What?! Oh my gods! Are you back?" She gasped.
"Back and better than ever because I have a lovely miss Calypso, the love of my life by my side." He grinned.
"Oh my gods!! This is so exciting!"
"Yeah! Are you free next weekend to meet up at Camp?"
"Anything for Zoe's godfather!"
"Wow okay. By the way, about Zo, why does she call me 'The Guy With the Crazy Boat Thing'?"
"That is a story for another time. Oh! We'll have to bring Zo so you can see her! It's been like two and a half years."
"I love that kid. How's Thalia?"
"She's fine, still hunting and such."
"Good. And Water Boy?"
"He is now the manager of the aquarium, which is crazy, but so great."
"And you?"
"I'm fine, worried about Piper. You know what's going on, right? Yeah... Oh! Almost forgot to tell you, we're pregnant again!"
"What?! No! Seriously? The last time I saw you you had just popped one out!!"
"It's true! Around four months, actually. Zoe really really wants a sister."
"And? What is it? Are you having another girl?"
"We don't know. It's going to be a surprise."
"Congratulations to the three of you! I have to call Frank and Hazel, see what kind of business they're up to."
"Okay, we'll see you next weekend!"
Leo hung up.

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