Chapter 9-- Graduations

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PERCY WAS NERVOUS. Today was his college graduation and he just barely made it. It was Annabeth who helped him get his grades back and who helped him study. It's been a few months since they got married and they both chose to graduate in the winter together.  Next week Percy was driving up to Boston for Annabeth's graduation. He had to be there for her, it's not every day that your wife gives a valedictorian speech for her class. Besides, Annabeth came down to the University of Maryland last night and she was leaving later today. 

Percy went into the kitchen of his apartment and made some bacon. Annabeth walked in soon after it was done. 

"Hey." Percy called

"Morning Mr. Jackson." Annabeth smirked.

"Morning Mrs. Jackson." Percy replied.

She walks over and kisses him, "Big day today. Are you excited?"

"Yep. That and nervous." He  admitted. 

"Nervous? Why? You're graduating college today!" she was nearly ecstatic. 

Percy laughed. "Well I don't know, but I'm less nervous when you're around." 

Annabeth smiled again. She's been smiling a lot since they got married. 




"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the graduating class of 2014!" The lady says into the microphone.

The audience and Percy's class cheers. Afterwards, Annabeth runs up onto the stage and kisses him. He spins her around and they smile and shout. They head for the celebration and find Sally and Paul and get congratulate each other. Annabeth has to get going since the drive is almost seven hours back to Boston University. Percy walks her to her car and kisses her goodbye and goes back to Sally and Paul and chat for a while until they have to go as well. He returns to his dorm where he has to pack all his things out and into his car.

Three days later, Percy drove up to New York to see his friends and family for Christmas and celebrate with his friends. Annabeth wouldn't be there (She needed to save up for gas money), but that was okay, since Percy was going up there in less than a week. Percy arrived at Camp and greeted his friends at the beach where he found a banner that  said "Congrats Percy!" There was food and dancing and they had a great time. 

The next day, Percy drove up to Boston and surprised Annabeth at her dorm room with flowers and chocolate chip cookies. After events that took place that night, they fell asleep. 




The class sat down as Annabeth walked up to the podium. She smiled and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, as this class's valedictorian, I would like to say a few words..." She went on and on and on but Percy never lost his focus once. Then when she was done, they all applauded her loudly and she got a few high fives. Percy blew an air kiss and Annabeth made a catching gesture and winked. 

Later on, Percy took Annabeth's family out to lunch. Annabeth was absolutely beautiful today, her hair falling out of her ponytail, and her makeup limited to just brown eye shadow and lip gloss. 

"Percy? Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked him

"Because you're so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off of you." He smiled. 

"Sure. I bet I have a smudge of ink or something on my face." She chuckled.

"Maybe, but everything that makes you perfect to me are all of your imperfections."

"Aww, Perce.." She twirled her hair.

The Chases joined them a few moments later and they ate lunch, each discussing how proud of Annabeth they are and Annabeth blushing each time. The family had a plane to catch, explaining how Bobby and Matthew had school the next day, so they had to leave. They said their goodbyes and soon, Annabeth and Percy were alone. 

Annabeth recruited Percy to help pack her dorm up, but when they got in the door there wasn't very much packing going on at all, they sat down on her bed and made out. One thing led to another and...




Annabeth looked at the stick. Positive. 

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