Chapter 12-- 4 Months

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ANNABETH WAS EXCITED. Today, was one of the greatest days of her life. The day she found out what her baby was. Percy was bursting at the seams with excitement too. This could be his princess, or his “stormtrooper”. He was crazy and he absolutely loved Star Wars. Annabeth loved him though.

She went shopping with Piper and Thalia last week for clothes. Her own didn’t fit her anymore. She went into the closet and picked out some capris and a sunflower shirt.

“Percy! We need to leave in 5 minutes!!” She shouted across the apartment.

“K! Need anything?” He walked into the bathroom, where Annabeth was doing her makeup.

“Nah, I’m good.” She finished up her makeup and Percy looked at her in confusion. “What?”

“Why did you put on makeup? You’re gorgeous without it.” He replied.

“Perce.” She laughed and they were ready to go. The couple got in their car and drove to the clinic.

When they arrived, they were greeted by the lady at the front desk. Her name tag said Sydney. She was a middle aged woman with blonde hair.

“Hi can I help you?” She asked

“Yeah, I’m Annabeth Jackson and I’ve got an appointment with Doctor Reed.” Annabeth said.

“Of course. If you’ll go wait for a minute, Doctor Reed will be with you shortly.”

As they walked away from the desk, Percy smirked. “Annabeth Jackson. Makes me smile every time.” He kissed her cheek and they sat down.

A few moments later, A receptionist came through a door and said smiling, “Mr. and Mrs. Jackson? The doctor will see you now.”

They went through the door with the receptionist and into a room with several machines. A female doctor sat on a stool at a computer across from a dentist-looking chair. She turned as the Jacksons entered.

“Hi! I’m Elliot Reed and I’ll be performing the ultrasound on you today. Would you like to know the sex of your baby?” She said cheerily.

“Hi nice to meet you. Yes we would like to know.” Annabeth informed her.

“Great. If you could lie up here and lift your shirt to expose your belly.” She pointed to the chair.

Annabeth got in the chair.

“Okay Annabeth, this is going to feel a little cold, okay?” Dr. Reed spread some gel on her stomach.

“See that? That's your baby.” Dr. Reed said as she put a scanner over the gel.

“You said you wanted to know what the baby is?” She smiled.

Percy almost jumped up and down and Annabeth sat eagerly. “Yes!”

“Congratulations, you are going to have a beautiful baby girl!” Dr. Reed exclaimed.


“Oh my god Percy!” Annabeth’s hand flew to her mouth and at the corner of her eyes, there were smile crinkles.

Percy stood still but he was smiling like a mad man. A few tears escaped his eyes.

“Annabeth… this is real. We’re going to be parents.” He choked.

This was an emotional day for the Jackson family. It was the moment they’d been waiting for.



-Carmen xoxo <3

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