Chapter 2-- The Question

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PERCY WAS NERVOUS. Like really nervous. He was walking with Annabeth and he guessed she noticed.

"Seaweed Brain, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing. Can we go over to the beach?"

"Yeah, sure."  

The whole camp knew. Except the Aphrodite cabin, he couldn't risk them knowing. The camp knew the plan: meet at the beach with a microphone and guitar at 5:40. He checked the time. 5:35. No one would be there yet. 

"Lets go this way." he said, pointing toward a path.

"But Percy, that way takes longer."

"It's prettier. And you haven't seen the wildflowers this year." 

"Okay fine." 

By the time they got to the beach it was 5:41. Perfect. He ran over to the microphone and guitar, sitting Annabeth down on a chair right beside him. He picked up the guitar and started speaking into the mic.

"Hey. This goes out to Annabeth." Annabeth blushed. He strummed the guitar and sang.

"When I look into your eyes

its like watching the night sky

or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold" 

People were whistling and swaying their arms. 

"and just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far to be right where you are.

How old is your soul?

I wont give up on us 

even if the skies get rough

I'm givin you all my love

I'm still looking up" 

Annabeth was crying. a good crying though. she was smiling. 

"and when you're needing your space

to do some navigatin

I'll be here patiently waitin to see what you find

'Cause even if the stars they burn

some even fall to the earth

we've got a lot to learn

Gods know we're worth it. 

No I wont give up" 

He walked over to her and crouched down beside her. 

"I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily I'm here to stay to make the difference that I can make. Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake and in the end you're still my friend at least we did intend  for us to work we didn't break we didn't burn we had to learn how to bend without the world caving in I had to learn what I've got and what I'm not, and who I am" 

Percy walked back way and Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, and Nico di Angelo came out from behind the trees and made their way over. 

"I wont give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

i'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up, still looking up." 

Just then, the boys were backup singers. 

"I wont give up on us (no I'm not giving up)

Gods know I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved.)

we've got a lot to learn (we're alive we are loved)

Gods know we're worth it (and we're worth it.)

I wont give up on us

even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up."  

Percy set down the guitar, walked to Annabeth, pulled out a box from his pocket and said, 

"Annabeth Chase, you are the most beautiful, brave, smart, wonderful woman I've ever met and I would be honored to have the privilege of spending the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Annabeth was still crying but she was smiling so widely. She whispered "Yes." then louder. "Yes!" then she was yelling it. "YES YES OF COURSE YES!!!" She threw her arms around Percy and he spun her around. The audience was yelling, "KISS THE GIRL! KISS THE GIRL!" Percy and Annabeth kissed and Percy set her down and put the ring on her finger. Everyone was whooping and screaming. The Aphrodite Cabin had heard the music and came running and everyone except Drew was applauding. Percy had taken Annabeth's hand and they plunged into the water and a bubble surrounded them. 

They kissed and it was the best underwater kiss of all time.



-Carmen xoxo <3

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