Chapter 14-- 6 Months and Shopping

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ANNABETH WAS INDEPENDENT.  She was going to murder someone. Her hormones were all out of whack, her feet were so swollen and her legs cramped and itched all the time. Stupid third trimester. Percy understood for the most part. He would make a habit of getting home from work, making dinner, and then sitting on the couch with Annabeth's feet in his lap and give foot rubs. 

"Annabeth? Someone's at the door!" She could practically hear the smile in his voice. Annabeth made her way to the front of their apartment. Standing in the doorway was no other than Piper and Jason Grace. They had eloped earlier in the year.. 

"Oh my gods Piper!! Let me see that rock!" Annabeth hugged her friend and Piper held up her left hand and smiled widely. 

"Annabeth you look great! Are you up for some baby shopping?" The girls went on their excitement spree while Jason and Percy did the "brohugging" and ended everything with the words bro, dude, and man. For example: 

"Hey man!"

"Dude we should go watch the game." 

"You wanna go to McFarsey's man? It's the best bar in New York." 

"Sure bro lemme grab my hoodie." 

"Okay man."

But those were only some examples. Annabeth and Piper took Annabeth's car to the mall while Percy and Jason went to a bar to watch reruns of football games. 

"So do you have any baby stuff?" Piper asked Annabeth.

"Nope. We were procrastinating." she laughed and put her eyes back on the road. It was nice having Piper back. 

"So what have you and Jason been up to in married life?" She winked and Piper smiled and swatted the air. 

"If you weren't pregnant, I'd hit you." Annabeth burst out laughing and parked the car. 

The girls walked into the mall. "So when's your due date? I wanna be with you." Piper asked with the dorkiest smile known to man. 

"Its September 5th. And you're so thoughtful. My mom hasn't even talked to me since I showed her the ultrasound. Oh and that reminds me! We're down to a few names." 

"OMG!! Do tell!" Piper was ecstatic. 

“Calia, Mia, Adalynn, and Anna. Percy and I had a thing where if it was a girl, we’d do something off of my name and if it was a boy, his name. I won." She was glowing. 

"Okay well I love Calia. Adalynn too... Calia Adalynn? Or maybe.... I don't know girl, you need a name without 'a' at the end. Try something like Calia Grace or maybe even choose a new name. Gods Annabeth, you're naming an actual person you need to think." 

They sat in silence for a moment. Piper was right, Annabeth was naming a real living being who will be stuck with that name for the rest of her life.  She ran through a list of meaningful names. 









This was exhausting. They went into the baby store. 

"Hello! Do you need any help finding things?" They were greeted at the door. 

"No I think we're-" Annabeth started. 

"Actually yes," Piper cut her off, "Where are the cribs and foldable hammocks and stuff like that?" 

"Right over here." The employee said cheerfully. She walked over to an aisle and the girls followed. 

"Thanks!" Annabeth replied. Piper and Annabeth stared at the cribs and hammocks and prices and made a face. 

"Split?" Piper asked

"Split." Annabeth confirmed.

The day went on and it got to be around 3:00.

"Wanna get a snack?"

"Sure." It doesn't matter who said what, they're just hungry okay?

They walked out of the store with a bag full of toys, a car seat, and 2 or 3 onesies. They went to the food court and  Annabeth formed a group text with Percy, Jason, and Piper.

AnnabethWanna meet up in an hour? Dinner? Snack? Movie marathon?

Jason: Sure! Sounds good. Pipes?

Piper: Yep! Jason where's Percy? He hasn't said anything.

Percy: I'm here sorry phone was lost in jacket. lol smiley face XD

Annabeth: Percy you don't have to say smiley face before XD. Also, use punctuation.

Percy: Uggghhhhhhh fineeeeee

Annabeth: Don't use that tone with me.

Piper: OOOOOOOH BUUURN *sizzle*

Jason: Annabeth: 1 Percy: 0

Piper: *high five* 

Jason: *high five*

Annabeth: *eyeroll*

Percy: smiley face XD lololol

With that, the couples stopped texting. Piper got a pretzel and Annabeth got an iced tea and a cupcake from a little cart. When it got to be around 4:15ish, the girls drove back to Percabeth's apartment and cuddled on the couch with their hubbies. Percy popped in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. 

They sat through three movies and then it was around 9:45ish. Jason and Piper left. There's a new thing at Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. Leo helped build it. it's like a portal between the two camps, in order to maintain a peaceful relationship with each other after the War. Anyways, it was really nice to have them drop in every once in a while. 

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered after the couple had gotten into bed.

"Hm?" Percy mumbled. It was Percy-ese for 'yes, darling wife?' or so he said.

"I love you. I love you so much." Annabeth felt the need to say it. She felt that she didn't say it enough. That Percy was the main person who said it. And she hated that.

Now Percy was awake. "I love you too. I love you more than anything in this world." He turned over to face her and kissed her forehead. 

"Goodnight Seaweed Brain." 

"Goodnight Wise Girl." 




-Carmen xoxo <3

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