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I shove my earbuds in my ear and, "Blank Space" by Taylor Swifr fills my ears. Class has just let out and I am dying to get some food.

I shimmy and duck my way through the crowd, trying to make it to the cafe across campus. I'm almost free when some tall jerky jerk asshat, on the phone, elbows me in the head. He doesn't even notice and keeps walking, telling whoever he was on the phone with that he, "would take care of them later".

Probably some drug dealer. I think as I finally make it free from the crowd. I sigh with relief and reach up for my phone, to see if Stacey wants to meet me for coffee but, then I remember that she's gone. My only friend transferred to a school closer to her home to take care of her sick mother.

I sigh again and walk across campus with my head down. After being here at Seattle State University for two years, I still haven't made any real friends. The one person I get along with is my roommate Kate, but I wouldn't call us friends.

I enter the coffe shop and place my order. Once I have my coffee, I qfind a quiet corner to sit in. I pull my Jane Austen book out of my bag and pick up where I last left off.

As I read, my hand automatically goes and starts to fiddle with my necklace.

I have no clue where it came from, who got it for me, or why, but it means a lot to me. I almost never take it off.

I run my thumb across the "C" that's carved on the outside and then, the "A" that's carved on the inside.

I get lost in my book and forget where I am until I feel someone tap me on the shoulder.

I jump a little before looking up to see a girl in a tight Chanel one piece jumper standing over me with her eyes narrowed and arms folded. She had another girl standing behind her, in the same stance.

"Yes?" I ask, my voice low.

"Who does that necklace belong to?" Her high nasal voice is laced with attitude.

I wrap my hand around the ring on my necklace and my heart begins to race.

"It's mine." I say, clutching the ring tighter.

"Let me see!" She demands, holding out her palm.

"No!" I shout and slide my chair back and stand up, ready to bolt if I have to. There was no way she was taking this from me.

"Why not?" She asked, her fist balling up at her side.

"Because it's mine!"

By now, the few people inside the cafe are staring at us.

"Are you sure? Because it looks an awful lot like my boyfriends! So did you steal it, or are you two fucking?!" She shoved me and I nearly fell over.

"I wouldn't steal and I don't know who your boyfriend is. I've had this necklace since I was sixteen. It's mine! Leave me alone!"

By now, the campus police have arrived and they come over to question me. I explain to them what happened, and they let me go since, Maria (I learned her name once the campus police took it down.) had no proof I stole it. Nor was it reported stolen.

I quickly gather my things and run back to my dorm room where it was safe. Yet, my mind kept wondering if her boyfriend really had a necklace just like mine.

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