Chapter Sixteen

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"Pack a bag, we have to go." Christian says as he closes my door. Elliot stood outside, keeping watch.

"Christian, are you sure about this? What if..."

Christian crosses the room in one swift graceful movement and presses his lips against mine.

"I've never been more sure about anything, Ana. My life has been incomplete without you. And I didn't know it was incomplete without you, because I couldn't remember you. So, I was able to fake being okay. Now, I can't do that. I remember you, everything I felt for you, it came crashing back stronger than ever. Oh, and don't give me that look, Ana. These aren't just little high school crush feelings that I feel for you. Ana, this....this is love. I'm in love with you. I would happily give up EVERYTHING if that means I can spend the rest of my life with you."

I stood there, silently. A smile slowly spread on my face and few happy tears began to fall.

"I love you, Christian Grey." was all I could manage to get out before his lips were on mine again.

He backed me up until we fell down on my bed, but our lips never left one another. As we landed on the bed, I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through the back of his hair.

Christian bit down on my bottom lip and tugged it gently. I let out a soft moan and arched my back, which in return, caused Christian to moan.

We kept kissing, neither one of us wanting to stop. I felt Christian growing hard, as his erection stared to press against me down there.

I let out another moan and Christian pulled away.

"Elliot."  was all he said as he tried to stop panting.

Suddenly, I remembered that his brother was just outside my door. "Oh..." Was all I managed to pant out.

After catching my breath, I grabbed an empty backpack and began to stuff clothed and other things inside of it. I wrote a note to Kate taped it up to our message board.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Christian picked up my backpack and took my hand, "Let's go."

He opened the door and Elliot stood there smirking. My face immediately grew hot and I knew I was blushing.

Elliot let out a laugh and then hugged me.

"Ahhh, I missed harassing you two!".


Once we were safely inside his dorm, Elliot got on the phone and called their parents to let them know what was going on.

I sat on the bed with my shoes off and watched as the boys went around the large room and made sure all the windows were closed and locked.

"Yes, Mom. We'll stay in. Bye." Elliot hung up and stared at us.

"Mom said to stay in and she's sending Taylor over. They're going to alert the police that Elena has violated her restraining order. Also, she's gonna call your folks, Ana." Elliot walked over to Christian's desk and took a seat.

"What if this gets out, Christian? You and your family will be ruined." I said softly, glancing over at him.

"It doesn't matter, Ana. Look, it's late. Why don't you go take a shower and get some rest."

I sighed and got up. I went into the bathroom, which was bigger than the one all the girls shared back in my dorm, took a hot shower, and came back out to find Elliot passed out sleep on the floor.

"So much for him taking first watch." Christian smiled at me from the bed.

I placed my hand over my mouth as I giggled. I tip toed over to him and before I could lay down, Christian grabbed me by my waist and pulled me down on top of him.

I let out a small yelp as I came down on top of him, but he placed his lips on top of mine to muffle the sound. I don't know how long we rolled around in the bed, just kissing, smiling, and kssing until we both fell asleep.


Taylor was at the door bright and early as Christian, Elliot, and I headed out to get coffee.

"Sir, I don't think you should go out." Taylor said as we made our way down the stairs.

"Why not?" Christian asked as we bounded down the stairs.

"Sir, please." Taylor was almost begging now.

"Taylor, what's wrong? Why should we stay holed up in my room all day?"

Christian's question were answered when we opened the door in the lobby and stepped outside.

Everywhere were flyers with pictures of Christian and Elena together. Flyers with copies of the police reports filed in high school. Flyers with pictures showing private documents about Christian's adoption. They were everywhere.

I let out a loud gasp and Christian cursed. Elliot quickly got on the phone and Taylor tried to pull us all back inside.

Just as we reached the door, I glanced back and saw Maria standing there with a smirk on her face as she rubbed her stomach.

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