Chapter Nine

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I slowly open my eyes and Elliot is hovering over me, his face pale. He looks so different ...

I take a look around and for a moment, I am confused.

How did I get from in the car with Christian to...

I sit up and glance around and the past four years come rushing back.

"Oh, my gosh...." I gasp as tears spring to my eyes.

"Whoa, hey, don't pass out again. Okay? I can't deal with having both of you out cold." Elliott says as he fans my face and jerks his head toward the other side of the room.

I spot ....Christian, passed out on the floor, with a pillow underneath his head.

"Why did you leave him on the floor?" I ask as I slide off the bed and stand up. I sway just a little and Elliott grabs my arm before I can fall over.

"He's heavy, I can't lift him." Elliot huffs then, lets me go once he's sure I've got my balance.

Christian groans and sits up on the other side of the room.

"Where the hell am I?" He mumbles as he looks around. When his eyes land on me, he gasps and, I can tell the past four years are catching up with him as well.

"Anastasia?" he asks softly, his eyes full of disbelief as he looks over me.

I nod and race over to him. He stands up on shaky legs but, regains his balance quickly.

I feel complete as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.

Tears spill from my eyes and I can't even begin to describe how I feel.

"Anastasia..." Christian sobs into my hair. We both hold on to one another, crying.

"All this time...." He whispers.

"I know...." I say and hold on to him tighter.

All this time we've been at the same college and didn't even know it.

"Aww, young love." Elliott pretends to wipe away tear.

"Get out." Christian mumbles and I giggle.

"God, that's a sound I didn't even know I was missing until now." Christian whispers in my ear.

I wipe away a few more tears and pull back to look into his eyes, "I've missed you. All this time, I felt like I was missing something or someone. And it was you."

Christian brushes a strand of hair out my face, a sad smile upon his lips, " I felt the exact same way. I'm so sorry for getting us into that accident. If it weren't for me and all my troubles...."

"None of that matters anymore Christian. We've found each other now and that's what does matter." I say and caress his cheek.

"And I don't plan on losing you, ever again." Christian whispers then, places his lips against mine.

"Whoa, whoa! Not PG! That's my cue to leave!" I hear Elliott yell and the door slam. We don't let that interrupt us.

Christian keeps kissing me, deeply. Our tongues battling against one another, trying to make up for all that lost time.

We back up slowly until we fall down onto Christian's bed.

He pulls away to stare into my eyes. We say nothing as he caresses my face a tiny smile upon his face.

"Anastasia..." He whispers, so softly, I barely hear him.

"Christian..." I breathe out as I feel his erection pressing up against me.

Ever so slowly, our lips come together again. I feel so happy, so complete. Tears form in my eyes again. As we pull away a few tears escape from my eyes as well as Christians'.

All is right in the world .....


Christian jumps and whirls around.

"Damn it." He hisses and stands in front of me, blocking my view of whoever came in.

I sit up, my heart racing as I peek around Christian. 

His girlfriend stands in the doorway, her chest heaving up and down heavily.

"Maria, get out!" Christian shouts. It loud voice makes me flinch. Suddenly I feel ashamed.

How could I forget he has a GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!

"Get out?!" She screams and picks up a book that's on a table near the door and flings it at him.

The book flies right over his head and hits the wall with a loud thud. This is my cue to leave. I get off the bed and try to go around Christian.

"Anastasia, you don't have to leave." Christian says, his tone softer as he grabs my hand.

"Like hell she doesn't! You better make her leave or I'll leave and you'll NEVER, see this baby!" Maria shouts through her tears as she covers her flat stomach with her hands.

Did she say, baby?!

"Shut up, Maria!!!!" Christian roars but, I've heard enough. I grab my things and I push past Maria, making a run for it 

I hold back a sob as I race down the stairs and out into the rain.

I finally find what's been missing, well, who has been missing. And, he's with someone else and she's pregnant!

I let out a small whimper as I  run through the rain. As much as it hurts, I'll have to let go of the man that I didn't even know I was searching for and, finally found.

By the time I make it to my dorm, I'm soaked again and my heart is shattered.

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