Chapter Fifteen

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Who knew you could sober up in just five seconds?

That's how fast I sobered up when my eyes met hers. I felt like the fog in my brain cleared up, my heart picked up speed, and I could feel all the blood drain from my face.

"Elena...." I whispered, and began to back away from her.

"Mmm, Christian." She purred and moved toward me.

I backed up until I stood in front of Ana, protecting her from this psychopath.

"Did you miss me, sweetie? Oh, Mama missed you." She winked at me, and was trying to use her most seductive voice.

As she inched closer, Elliot stepped into her path, "You stay the hell away from my brother, you sick bitch."

Elena flnched at the tone of Elliot's voice.

"Excuse me, Christian is a grown man and...."

"And he doesn't want shit to do with you! You need to leave, now!" Elliot cut her off, his voice growing louder.

Elena's face was red with anger as her eyes shifted from Elliot, to over his shoulder to look at me.

"Tell him to move, Christian. Tell him how good we are together. Tell him how much you love me." Her eyes were begging for me, and long ago, in a world where Anastasia didn't exist, I might have fallen for it.

"No, Elena. You need to leave." I whispered, staring right into her eyes. I needed her to know I meant what I was saying.

"That's not happening." Maria said, finally speaking up.

All eyes were now on her.

"See,  Christan, you're going to marry me, take care of this baby, and do whatever Elena wants." Maria said, as she absentmindedly rubbed her stomach.

"Like hell I will." I growled.

"Oh, you will. Or your entire past will be leaked to the media. Your "perfect" image will be destroyed. Those nice people that adopted you and your other orphan sibling will have their lives ruined. Everyone will know what a crack whore your real mother was, how you don't even know who your real father is." Maria's smile grew bigger and bigger the more she talked.

"What is wrong with you?!" Anastasia whispered, and now everyone turned to look at her.

Elena's eyes grew wide and filled with anger.

"You!!!!" She screamed and tried to lunge at Ana.

Elliott grabbed her and shoved her back, "Stay the fuck away from my sister, too."

I stayed right in front of Ana, there was no way in hell I would let anyone hurt her.

"I told you to stay away from Christian. I brought her here to show you I wasn't joking. I didn't expect to find Christian here." Maria, explained as she kept rubbing her stomach.

"Don't do this, Maria. Please. This could ruin him. I'll stay away from him, but please." Ana begged.

"Wait, is this who you were protecting me from? Is this why you broke up with me?" I asked as I turned to face her.

She nodded, her eyes filling with more tears, "I didn't want this to ruin you, Christian."

"Oh, Ana. The only thing that can ruin me, is not being with you." I said softly as I placed a hand on her cheek.

Maria forced her way between us, anger evident on her face.

"This, isn't happening. You two are over. Or so help me Christian....."

"Go ahead! Tell the world, I don't give a fuck!" I yelled, making everyone flinch.

"No, I won't just tell the world your secrets, Elena will tell your mothers former pimp, where he can find himself a new whore. "

I felt my heart stop. I knew exactly what she meant.

"You can't do this. You can't just blackmail me into being with you and her."

"Really? Try me. You've got 24 hours to decide. Either choose us and Anastasia here won't have to live everyday of her life in fear. Or, pick her and watch your enite world go up in flames."

With that, Maria and Elena begin to walk away.

"Choose wisely, Christian." Elena calls as they head down the stairs.

When they're gone, Ana wraps her arms around me and I wrap mines around her.

"Christian, I'm so sorry I lied to you. I just, I didn't want THIS to happen." Ana said, as she buried her face into my chest.

"It'll be okay, Ana. I'll protect you."

Anastasia pulled away to look up at me, "You mean...."

"Yes, Anastasia. I lost you once and I won't lose you again. I'm choosing you."

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