Chapter Fourteen

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I simply avoided Christian.

I took new routes to class, avoided his dorm area, stayed away from parties, and never went into the coffee shop until I was sure he wasn't there.

It was hard, after being away from him for so long, all I wanted was a chance for us to sit down and talk, to catch up. Only, that would never happen. Not if I wanted to keep Christian and his secrets safe.

It was Friday night, and my only plans were to stay inside of my dorm room.

Kate huffed again as she fixed her dress and eyed me in the mirror.

"I still think you should go."

"No." I said again, for the millionth time that day.


" I need to keep him safe, Kate." I said firmly.

She sighed again, but let the subject drop and went back to getting ready.  I picked my book back up and went back to reading "Breaking Dawn". It was my comfort book these days.

"Okay,I'm leaving. Call me if you need me." Kate said a few minutes later, I could hear her shoving things into her clutch.

"Have fun, be safe. Don't take drinks from strangers and stay out of the bedrooms." I called as she closed the door.

"Go to hell!" She called back sweetly.
I let out a small laugh, that stopped suddenly when I realized I was all alone, again.

With a sigh, I leaned over to my desk and pulled my small locked jewelry box out of the drawer I kept it in. I quickly unlocked it and stared at the necklaces inside.

"I miss you, Christian." I whispered as a few tears escaped from my eyes.


"Dude, that's like your 12th shot slow down!" Elliot snatched the cup away from me and pulled me out the kitchen of some frat house. I swayed on my feet as the alcohol began to consume me.

"Wooooooo!!!!" I belted out as we passed through the living room full of people dancing.

"We gotta get you home." Elliot shouted over the music as we made our way to the door.

"Nooo. No. No! Then, I'll think about Ana...and..and Joooooossséééé.." I cried out, aware that my words might be slurred.

"Christian, you're fucking drunk dude, let's go!"

"Nooo, I...I don't wanna go!" I said and yanked my arm away from Elliot and knocked some girls cup out her hand. The drink spilled all over her dress.

"Uh-Oh spaghetti-o's!" I laughed so hard, tears were streaming down my face.

Damn it feels good to laugh.

However, everything became less funny once I recognized who the girl was.


"Christian? Are you, drunk?" She asked , shocked.

"Yes, he's too drunk." Elliot cut in and grabbed my arm again.

I snatched away, "Fuck you, Elliot! I'm only drunk because your slutty friend couldn't keep her fucking panties on, Kaaayyyyttteeee!"

Kate rolls her eyes and grabs my arm. She drags me outside where the air is cold and sobers me up a little.

"First of all, Anastasia isn't with José. Second of all,she broke up with you, yo protect you. Third of all, if you ever talk about my friend like that again, I will cut your balls off." With that she storms back into the house.

"Wait,protect me from what?" I ask my face scrunching up with confusion.

"Ask her." Kate calls out before disappearing back into the house.

Elliot emerges from the house carrying our coats. I don't put mine on and Elliot sighs, calling me an idiot under his breath.

As we walk across campus, I wonder what Anastasia could possibly be protecting me from.

"I need to go see ana." I told Elliot as I turned and started to wobble toward her dorm room.

Elliot sighed, but made no move to stop me. We walked across the campus and made it to her dorm room twenty minutes later. Elliot had to help me up the stairs, but we eventually made it.

"Annnnnaaaaaa!" I called as I banged on her door. I kept banging until the door swung open.

God, she's beautiful....

"Christian, what are doing here?" her voice was soft and hoarse. It was obvious she had been crying.

"What wrong? Did hurt José you?!" I growled and looked over her head into her room. She was alone.

"Are you, drunk?" She asked surprise evident in her tone.

"Nnnnoooooooyeeeessssooo." I smiled down at her and brushed back a lock of hair from her face.

"I fucking love you." I confessed, staring into those amazing blue eyes.

"Christian....." Tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"I always make you cry...." I whispered and wiped away her falling tears. This seemed to only make her cry harder.

"Christian, you have to leave. Please, just leave." She begged me and tried to push me away.

"No. I love you."


"Who are you protecting me from?"

This question seemed to throw her off.

"How do you know about that?" She asked.

"Yes, how do you know about that?"

We all turned around and there Maria stood and with her was the last person I ever wanted to see again.


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