Chapter Thirteen

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  I sat quietly, twirling Anastasia's necklace in between my fingers. The rain was coming down hard outside and I couldn't help but feel like the weather matched my mood.

Thunder roared in the distance as I finally turned away from the window and stared at the bitch who ruined my life.

"I need proof that you're pregnant and that the baby is mine." I said softly, as I continued to twirl Anastasia's necklace around.

Maria smiled and nodded, "That won't be a problem, baby. I..."

"Don't. Call. Me. BABY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, making her jump. Elliot, who was there to supervise me, jumped up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Maria stood there with her mouth hanging open for a moment.

"What...why? I thought..."

"We would be together?! Ha!" My laugh was cold and humorless.

"The woman I want to be with is gone, because of you. I would never want to be with you. The only thing you were good for was laying on your back. Now, I regret ever touching you." I hiss at her, then turn away to look back out the window.

I hear her let out a small whimper before she runs out of my dorm room.

"Dude, that was a bit harsh." Elliot says as he flops back down onto my bed.

"Go home, Elliot." I whisper as I continue to stare out into the rain.

"No, I can't leave you like this...."

"Go home!!!!" I scream at the same time the thunder roars outside.

Elliot sits up in the bed, his eyes wide.

"No." Is all he says before laying back down.

I stare at him, thoughts of smothering him with my pillow cross my mind, but instead, I slide into my shoes and storm out of the dorm.

Once outside in the cold and rain,I realize I don't have a jacket. I sigh and keep moving anyway.

Halfway across campus, I spot her, walking with some guy under an umbrella.

My fist balls around her necklace and without thinking, my anger sends me stomping toward them.

"What the fuck is this?!" I shout stepping in front of Anastasia and her new boyfriend.

Her eyes go wide, "Christian!"

My eyes narrow at her and then slide over to her boyfriend.

"Um, hi. My name is José." He offers me a hand to shake.

I glare at his hand until he lowers it.

"Christian, José is a friend, we were heading to the coffee shop for....."

"A date." I finish for her.

"No, his room mate is out on a date with mine and...."

"Oh, so it's a double date? Congratulations. So, you dumped me so you could be with him, right?"

Anastasia flinched as if I slapped her.

"No, that's not it at all. Christian, we're just friends, we hardly even know one another. I was..."

"Do I look stupid?! Save it! I don't give a fuck what you do! I don't need nor want you. As a matter of fact, I hope the baby is mine. I can start a family with Maria, at least she was always honest with me. Have a nice life, Anastasia!" This time, I tossed her necklace and mine at her and walked away.

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