Chapter Nineteen

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She's alive......she's...alive.....

I stand silently outside of Ana's hospital room and watch as her Mother cries over her. Her Dad, Ray, just stares down at Ana as he strokes her hair.

She hasn't woken up in over two days. The doctors say there's nothing to worry about, but I'm worried. I've refused to go home, but I've also refused to go into the room and sit with her. It's my fault she's in this situation. I should've just let her go.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Kate asks as she comes to stand beside me.

"I'm not hungry." I say softly, as I stare at Ana. She looks so tiny and cold....

"You have to stop torturing yourself like this, Christian. What happened wasn't your...."

"It is my fault!!!! I should have just left her alone!!!!! She wouldn't be here, nearly dead, if it weren't for me!!!!" I shout at Kate before I push past her and take off down the hall.

I can't seem to make myself care about everyone staring at me. I just need to get the fuck away from here. I need to leave Ana alone.


Two days later:

Uuugghhh, why is the light so bright? And why does it smell like bleach in here? Who's making that awful beeping sound?!

As my eyes adjust, all my questions are answered, I'm in the hospital. The events of what happened before I blacked out come rushing back and I gasp.

"What's wrong?!" I hear my mothers voice and then I feel her hands on my face.

"Ana? Ana, oh my gosh you're awake! Ray! She's awake." I watch as my mom begins to sob and continues to stroke my face.

Ray appears on the other side of me with a big smile on his face,"Glad to see you're finally awake, Ana. I'll go get a nurse."

I manage to take a look around the room and....he's not here.

"Mom, where's....where's Christian?" My voice is low and raspy, I desperately want some water.

"Oh, Ana.... He's....... gone....."


I toss the empty beer bottle at the wall as my phone starts to ring again for the 10th time in the past hour.

"Leave me the fuck alone!!!!" I scream at my phone then grab another beer.

"Shhh! I'm trying to sleep over here!!!" Maria shouts at me as she turns over on the motel bed.

I roll my eyes and start to chug down my 11th beer.

"Ugh, and slow down with the drinking, I want you to be able to remember our wedding tonight." With that, Maria pulled the cheap blanket over her head and tried to go back to sleep.

I finished off my beer and as my phone rang again, I felt a weird pang in my chest.

They were probably calling to tell me she was dead. She was dead and it was my fault.

I run my hands down my face and grab hold of the chain around my neck. With one slight tug, the chain snapped and I threw it across the room.

"All my fault."

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