Chapter Seven

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"Hey, Annie. How are ya?" Ray answers the phone, i can hear some baseball game playing in the background.

"Hey, Dad. I need to ask you something important." I say, my voice barley above a whisper as I sit on the floor, my back pressed against the bed. I twiddle with the ring on the necklace while the phone sits between my shoulder and ear.

"Sure, ask away." Ray says and I hear the baseball game volume getting lower.

"It's about this, necklace.....I...I met this guy and he has one just like me and... I had this weird flashback and, I think I know him, only I'm not sure..." I start off calmly then, all my words come rushing out.

"Whoa, whoa, Anastasia, slow down." Ray says, I can tell the TV has been shut off completely now.

"I just...Ray, why did you say that this necklace was important?" I whisper, afraid of his answer.

Ray sighs on the other side of the line," What's this kids name?"

"Christian...." I say softly.

"Oh, Ana.... We need to talk kid..." Ray says just as softly.

This isn't going to end well.....


Christian's Point Of View:

"Pregnant? No, no. There's no way in HELL, you're pregnant!" I shout at Maria, as I pace around the room.

"Well I am, Christian! I'm pregnant and it's yours!" She shouts back, tears still running down her cheeks.

"Damn it!" I scream and kick my desk chair over. I run my fingers through my hair and keep pacing.

"When will you tell your family?" Maria asks, staring down at the floor.

"I won't. You're not keeping that fucking baby!" I snap at her as I snatch a pair of shoes out of the closet and slip them on.

"What do you mean?! Of course I'm keeping this baby!" Maria cries out, folding her arms over her stomach.

I say nothing as I grab my coat and keys, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?!" Maria crosses the room and grabs my arm. 

I snatch away from her and slam the door on my way out.

I don't know where I am going but, I know I need space away from her.

There's a light rain falling as I walk aimlessly around campus.

Mom is going to be pissed. Of course it would be me , the family fuck up, to get a girl pregnant out of wedlock.

I run my hands through my dampening hair and keep walking.

I can't be a father. I'm not even a good human being. I am a total fuck up and barely worth the air I breathe.

"Damn it...." I whisper as I feel my chest tighten. I stop and take a seat on a bench as the rain picks up.

How can it be mine? She's on birth control! I use condoms! How?!?!

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