Chapter Four

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I pull down the short dress that Kate made wear as she pulled me along, by my wrist, toward the frat house.

I could hear the beat to, "Omen" by, Disclosure and Sam Smith, thumping through the walls and pouring out of the open windows.

I hear someone whistle as we climb the front steps and head inside. I pray Kate doesn't let my wrist go as we head inside.

It's impossible to hear myself think. Sam Smith's voice is all around me. The house is packed awith people grinding up against one another or standing along the walls drinking. The bass vibrates in my chest and the smell of weed, alchohol, and sweat fill my nose.

I just want to go back to the dorm.

"Let's get a drink!" Kate shouts in my ear, pointing toward the kitchen. I grab on to her arm and together we muscle our way through the sweaty, swaying bodies.

The kitchen isn't as loud but, there are a few people smoking weed and making out.

The kitchen sink is filled with ice and drinks. Kate hands me a can that says, Lime-a-rita.

"What's this?" I ask, my face scrunched up.

Kate laughs, "Just drink it! And don't set it down anywhere!" She warns and pulls me back into the living room.

We aren't standing in a corner for five minutes before a guy comes and takes Kate off to dance.

With nothing else to do, I open the can and take a sip.

Mmm, it's sweet. I think to myself as I look around, my body slowly beginning to sway to the beat of, "Lean On" drops.

I take a look over by the door and my heart almost drops. That Maria chick just walked in with some guy, which I assume is the boyfriend she claims I stole from.

Crap, I don't want any trouble tonight.

Thinking quickly, I high tail it back into the kitchen and stand off to the side, unnoticeable.

My heart is beating wildly as the two come in and get drinks then, leave right back out.

I sigh with relief and lean against pale yellow wall and close my eyes.

"Not your scene either?" A voice with a Spanish accent asks.

My eyes fly open and there standing before me is a cute spanish boy. His smile is bright, friendly, almost boyish.

"No, not really my scene." I say and take a sip of my drink.

"Yeah, my roommate dragged me here." The boy rolled his eyes and took a swig of his beer.

I let out a small laugh, "So did mine."

"Ah, we already have so much in common." He steps forward and leans against the wall facing me.

His brown eyes are amazing and seem to, sparkle.

Oh, that was so corny!

"My name is José , what's yours bonita?" His smile caused me to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Ahhh, Ana.." I stutter and brush my hair behind my ear.

"Ana, I like it. Well, Ana, do you care to dance?" José holds his hand out for me and I'm so taken away by his smile, I take it. Forgetting that I can't dance.

On my way out the kitchen, someone bumps into me and I glance up and lock eyes with the guy Maria came in with.

Holy mother of sexy greek god baby! He is HOT!

Mr. Hot smirks down at me as I pass, Maria smacks his arm, and then gives me an evil look. I look away and let José drag me into the middle of the sea of dancing bodies.

José starts to move his hips and dance all around. I try to pay attention and keep up but, I can feel someone staring at me. I peek behind my shoulder and see Mr. Hot staring at me as Maria points at me and talks.

His eyes widen and he looks down at Maria and says something. She nods and he looks back up at me.

The music changes and , "Earned It" by The Weeknd causes all the girls to squeal.

I squeal too but, not because of the song, no. It's because Mr. Hot is pushing is way through the crowd and looking dead at me.

Without warning, I shove José out the way and make a run for it. When I finally manage to get out of the crowd, I'm by the staircase. I climb the stairs as fast as I can, while avoiding stepping on the couples sitting on the stairs making out.

Once upstairs, I run inside the first unlocked door and slam it shut. I press my back against it and gasp for air. I realize I'm in someone's bedroom.

I don't look around, I just collapse on the bed and pray Mr. Hot didn't pursue me.

The door bust open and there Mr. Hot stands.

Oh shit!

He slams the door shut and locks it. I watch frozen as he searches the wall for the light switch. Once he has the light on he strides over to me. I quickly get to my feet and make a dash for the door. Before I can get the door open, both his arms on either side of me and I'm forced to turn around and face him.

My breath quickens as he looks down at me.  Slowly, he picks up the ring on the end of my necklace. He stares at it, his eyes wide.

Then, he reaches into his shirt and pulls out a chain just like mine.

"I think we know each other. " his voice is low, mesmerizing.

I look up into his beautiful gray eyes and I feel the connection immediately.

I gasp and so does he.

Before I can blink, his lips are on mine.

And for the first time in forever, I feel complete.

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