Chapter 1 (Request)

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Kyle's Pov 

I haven't fully introduced myself. Hi, I'm Kyle. My hair is long and black with light gray/white highlights. I have snake bites and a kind of gothic look. I wear a spike collar, and mostly wear black. My eyes are a  light, sky blue/turquoise color. I'm about 5.9
And, eighteen years old.
Yes, my parents were killed when I was just about nine years old. When I was fourteen, I found the two men who killed my parents and had my revenge killing them myself. Now I am eighteen years old and ever since that day the two murderers fell to their death, I am a revenger/bounty hunter.

Revenger is as I call, doing ultimate revenge, and a bounty hunter is almost just the same. I used to do it only for myself, now I do it to make money. Now and then, I often get requests to wound, steal or kill for others revenge.

Police have been searching for me ever since my first kill, so I've been on the run for while now. Today, I have just been requested from a girl named Lori, who has finally met me.

Lori slowly walks up to me. She sighs loudly. "Ahhh Kyle." My eyes narrow. "Don't say my name." I hated my name, it brings too many memories about my parents. "Just tell me what to, do or your problems." I said sharply. She spoke strong and determined. " I heard you love having your hands dirty and no fear."
"Indeed," I really did love that feeling.

A huge stack of money dropped before my eyes. "I have more money. I need you to do me a quick favor." She smirked. I started to count the money. It seemed like there was at least one-thousand dollars in that stack. "I'm listening."
"I need you to kill someone."
I paused. "This isn't enough Lori."
Her arms folded as she dropped another stack, two-thousand. "Her name is Carlee Parker." She sounded certain she knew what she was doing.

I started. " A girl costs a little --" I got interrupted with a bigger stack slapped in front of me. "Satisfied?" She asked. I nodded as I quickly snatched the money from the place she put it. I felt ready and determined. "Where is she?"
"Nuh uh, not so fast, Kyle."
"Don't say my name". I was furious.
"Well you can't kill her on your own." My mind went racing. "What? You're kidding? I've killed a guy twice the size as I am. A girl is like a toothpick between my arms."
She looked at me as if I was insane.

"Trust me," she said. "Look, my acquaintance Felix is pairing up with you."
I was disappointed on how Lori did not trust me. "I work alone." I said as I was just about to walk away. She then, grabbed my hand fiercely and slammed the last of her money on it. My eyes widened. So much money. "Fine." I said. "But, if he makes one mistake on my mission, I'll kill him myself."

"Deal." She then, gave me a map, and a small picture. She pointed her finger to two red dots on the map. "Here is his location. Here is hers." Then, grabbing the picture, she said, "this is the newest picture of her. I'll give you two weeks or else, my money is back and you will be poor."

I quickly glared at her and took the items she gave me. "Deal." I said as I began to leave. "You better keep in touch though, because when I'm done with this, I'll be long gone." I said sincerely. "Give me a week."
She watched as I left. " Good luck."
I then looked straight in her eyes, "Trust me, I won't need it." Then with one last glance, I disappeared into the alley.

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