Chapter 10(Due Date)

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Kyle's Pov

It's Monday morning. As, soon as I turned on the television, the news was on. "There has been a robbery at the Wells-Fargo bank. We are missing a one hundred grand diamond. There has been no clues to find the robber, just knowing that they were successful on getting the diamond. Camera four was broken by the stand on which the diamond was sitting on. If you know about this or have information, please contact us right away for your reward."

I laughed at the news. How clueless can they be? I held the magnificent diamond in my hands. Then, the phone interrupted my happiness. "What's up?" I answer. It was her. The one who requested this masterpiece. "Let me guess, you have it early. Don't you?" She asked. "Yes." I said joyfully.

Then all of a sudden, my mind went blank. Carlee's face appeared in my mind. What would she think of this, steal? I must not tell her at all costs.

I then, snapped back to the phone. "I'll be at the bar in ten minutes. Don't be late." I said. "Great, bye." Then, she hung up.

As soon as I turn around to walk out the door, Felix was right behind me. He scared the daylights out of me. I managed to only flinch though. "Hi Kyle, lookin good." He said out of the blue. I was wearing only a sweatshirt and shorts. How was that at all, fancy. "Hi, Felix." I said calmly.

Felix stopped quickly in his path as soon as he saw the diamond in my hand. "Kyle! You're the one who took the diamond?" He yelled at me. I smirked. "Yup." I then, shoved the precious diamond into my brown, leather bag. Felix's expression was almost blank and confused. "Why? You could have gotten caught! Why do you need it anyways?" His questions kept swirling around me. I only had one word for that. "Business." I said.

He then, glared at me. "Who's paying you?" He asked with a sigh. "That women. The one who gave you that cocktail last week." I answered. I could see he was thinking of what all happened last week, and the day I picked him up. Then, his eyes widened. "Penny?" He asked. "Think so." I said when I got closer to the front door. I was gonna be late.

"Whatever, it's not safe Kyle." He was concerned. "If you keep doing this, you're gonna get caught."
"Why do you care?" I asked.
"Cause, I just do! I'm your partner, remember?"
My mind twisted. "Was....not anymore." I answered.

Felix put his head down. It looked as if he was gonna shed tears. I almost felt bad for him, but my mind went to being late for the bar. "Have fun with Carlee." I mumbled. "Just tell me when you're going to meet Lori back at the alley. I'll bring Carlee to Lori for you." I started to make a deal. "Then, we split ways. Deal?" I asked.

It was silent as I watched Felix think. Then, he sighed loudly. "Deal." I nodded. "Now, I have to go. I'm going to be late." I then, slammed the door.

Moments pass and I finally arrive at the bar. I see Penny at the same, small table in the corner. Quickly, I walk over and drop the bag lightly. "Job done." I said. "Half the job." Penny replied. Then, she looked inside the bag. "Great success." The money flew into my hands from her.

"Have you thought over long enough about Felix Black?" She asked. My heart sank a little. But, I still replied. "Yes. Meet me in the downtown alley for the second half of the job. I'll bring him to you." She smiled. "When?" She asked. "Sunday. You will also see Lori, a girl I know. She is expecting me to bring another body as well." She nodded. "Deal."
"Great." I said. Then, I walked out of the bar with pockets full of money. 

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