first impression

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you were at the mall shopping for some new clothes even though your closet is overflowing with clothes. and decided to take a break and get frozen yogurt. while you were lining up, you were on your phone scrolling through instagram when you feel a tall figure step in front of you. he was wearing a red flannel, a black shirt, khakis, rayban sunglasses (a/n: i understand malls are indoor but just go with it😂) and black vans. he budded in front of you while you werent paying attention.

you lightly tap his shoulder and said, " uhm excuse me? you kinda cut in front of me and i was here first. the line up?... is all the way back there so if you can just shuffle your way down to the end and please wait there."

he turns around facing you and takes his glasses off. you let out a gasp finally realizing who it is. you spoke, "sha-". he covers your mouth and whispers, "shh before anyone finds out its me." before he removed his hand away from your mouth, you nodded. "arent you suppose to be oh i dont know. on tour??!" you whispered loudly. he said, "nope. im on vacation. after all, it is summer right? thats why im standing in front of you for something cold to eat."

you loudly groan and finally made it to the cashier. "one medium chocolate almond froyo please". shawn soon stands beside you and orders a small original chocolate. you give him the what-the-actual-fuck look. he mustve read your eyes and said "ill pay for it. for letting me bud in." you smile and waited for your froyo.

when both of your frozen yogurt was ready, he takes yours and hands it to you saying, "a sweet chocolate almond froyo for a sweet girl..." you blushed at the the thought and mumbled a quick "thank you.".

as you started walking, he grabbed your arm and said, "before you go, would you like to go on a walk?". you nodded in agreement and smiled cheekily. he slowly intertwined your fingers with his and you both started walking.

as you reach for a small park nearby, you both sat on the swings. you talked for awhile and got to know each other more. it got darker and you had to go home. "i have to go, shawn but it was great knowing you." you calmly said but died on this inside.

you started walking away but he grabbed your arm again. "where do you think youre going? youre not just gonna leave me here without giving me your number are you?"

you laughed and walked towards him handing him your phone as you exchanged numbers. after that, he kissed you on the cheek and said goodbye. as you were walking you had this goofy smile on your way home.

hope you guys liked it😊

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