...First Name...

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you were over at shawn's condo spending the last couple of days with him before he gets back on the road. the rays of the sun was shining through his window as bright snowflakes fell on his balcony. you were both watching "friends" as you cuddled against his warm body with a blanket covering the both of you.

"i hope you know that i love you so much, y/n..." shawn whispers in your ear.

"nah i sort of didn't know how much you loved me but i'll play along..." you giggled as shawn smiles down at you.

"stay right here, i just have to grab something." he says as he gets off the couch and walks over to the bedroom.

"i'll be right here, bubs." you sweetly respond as your eyes gaze back to the tv screen.

moments later the empty spot beside you sink back in as you turn over to look at shawn with a velvet blue box in his hands.

"shawn, what are you-"

"i got you a special ring... it has my first name on it. now i know it's not a lot but i want you to know how much you mean to me just by giving you this little piece to wear when i'm not with you at times." he interrupted.

"aw, shawn... i love it." you quietly say. you were astonished with the engraved ring. you noticed that his first name was the only thing engraved on the ring and you decide to ask.

"shawn, why is your first name the only thing engraved on the ring?"

"ah i thought you would ask that. see for now i decided to give you my first name only because i'll give you my last as soon as our wedding happens. so basically i'm giving you my first name until i give you my last..."

this whole time, he looked into your eyes without breaking the contact which put tears in your eyes. you wiped them away before saying anything else.

"god, what did i do to deserve such an amazing guy. i love you forever, shawn." you say and lean closer as your lips brushed against his.

"i said it once, i'll say it again. i love you too." he said against your lips.

and with that, you both smiled at each other and continued to watch "friends" after you posted a picture of the ring while holding shawn's hands in yours. this tiny piece of jewelry has predicted the future ahead of you and shawn and nothing will ever get in the way of your beautiful relationship.


this was icky and rusty but i was feelin it :') hope you all found this really cute

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