guitar lessons

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"BUT I DONT WANT TO, DAD!" you whined.

"honey, if you wanna sing you'll have to learn how to play at least one instrument. and the most common one is the guitar. so youre trying it whether you like it or not." your father said sternly.



you arrived at the music shop filled with lovely instruments and cookies and tea¿? you see kids about your age being taught too.

you walk up to the front desk with your dad saying that you have a lesson today. you were too busy wondering who your instructor was and what she/he looked like.

your dad snapped you out of your thoughts by waving his hands in front of your face. you look up at him.

"the front desk told me that the private room is upstairs. first door on your left." he said.

you nodded and swallowed the lump in your throat and said goodbye before you went up the stairs.

as you reach the first door that was on the left side, you lightly knocked.

the door opens and there stood an appealing teenager that stands right in front of you. he looked about your age. you stare into his eyes looking at his face features.

he gestures you to come in and find a spot to sit. there were beanbags scattered in the whole room. but one caught your eye. it was a chair that spins around and can adjust the height. you sit on it and start fooling around.

you were interrupted by a fake cough which caused you to stop. "are you ready to start your very first guitar lesson with your talented instructor, SHAWN MENDES?" he technically screamed.

you raise your eyebrows and choose a random guitar. you sit back down but on a normal chair this time. you placed the instrument on your lap and positioned yourself.

you look up at the instructor now knowing his name is shawn and gave him a smile reassuring him that youre ready.

he gives you a look that speaks, "show me what you got." you look down at the guitar and start strumming random chords.

he shuts his eyes tightly and raising his arms up making you stop. "STOP STOP STOP. what are you doing?" he finally opens his eyes to look at you.

you look up at him innocently and frown. he walks towards you and grabs a chair. he pulls you on top of him now on his lap.

he puts his arms on top of yours and rests his chin on your shoulder helping you to position properly. you shiver by his touch and focused intently.

he showed you all the chords and started strumming while his hands still rest on yours.

about two hours later you soon got the hang of it and played a couple of chords he taught you.

you feel him smile behind your ear proud of himself for teaching you and getting the hang of it that quickly.

you had to go so you took the guitar strap off your body and walked back over to shawn who was still slouching in the chair.

you farrow your eyebrows and giggle. he looks up at you and walks toward you. "cant wait to see you again for your next lesson, y/n." he whispered real close feeling his minty breathe hit against your face.

you cover your face with your hands blushing. he takes your small hands away from your face and hugged you.

"im actually happy i decided to take guitar lessons. and it was great having you as my instructor." you said wiggling your eyebrows and smirking.

"are you asking me for my number?" he smiles cheekily.

"no. but now that you mentioned it, sure. ill have your number." you laughed loudly.

"alrighty then." he walks over to a desk and grabs a pen and scrapped paper. he scribbles down his digits and quickly hands the paper to you.

before you left, he kissed you on the cheek. you yell out, "FLIRT!" before he closed the door. he slightly laughs and rolled his eyes and said bye which made you smile.


argh longest imagine i wrote so far

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