Chapter 5 {Karma's a bitch!}

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I dont usually put chapter titles... but This one just needed one. Soo how many of you want John to die? Just saying if you do, you may be extrememly happy with this chapter. I think it's going to be a little short, hopefully it'll be longer, but with me. You never know. I know I said this one would be longer, but then Cherry was just like, "Why do you put all of tht together soo suddenly?" So I think im going to go a little slower. Alot of suspense hehe! anyways enjoy!


    "Carly where is he?"

"You mean your lover!" she squealed with delight. I groaned.

"Come on Carly, tell me." She smiled.

"I saw a guy hit him. Then he dragged him into the car. they headed north 10 hours ago. They left skid marks." Then she smiled and held up a phone. "And they left their phone and it has a GPS to follow the car." I nearly did a flip right there. I thanked her and started to follow the GPS.

"Wait! Ash You can't." I looked back at her.

"What are you talking about?" She looked down nervously and bit her lip. I walked over to her. "Carly, tell me." She looked up at me and her eyes were teary.

"Carly?" She screamed out of anger and kicked me and started to storm off. She turned back around and said to me. "My brother misses you, you hurt him alot leaving him like that, and if you think I've forgotten your promise to me. Think AGAIN!" She threw her necklace at me and ran away. I gently picked it up and opened the locket. I sighed as I looked at the picture, I mised that; but Jason was way more important right now. I closed the locket and ran following the GPS. 


 John had brought a girl home last night. They'd had sex all night. Their moans kept me awake and I was forced to sleep on the stairs. I had finally fallen asleep, when John stepped on me and kicked me down the stairs. I cried out at the pain. I was a man God dammit! He shouldn't be able to do this to me. I was about to tell him so when he stood right infront of me. I smiled sheepishly. He was alot taller and stronger and muscular than me. His eyes were cold and deadly. I backed away an inch. I cursed myself. Damn my being weak! He grinned at me and scooped me into his arms.

I missed when he would touch me like this just because he loved me. I knew I had to face to harsh reality that he had never loved me and he would only hurt me over and over again; but I felt happy just being here. It felt so much nicer than him beating me. He bit and suckled at my neck leaving behind bruises and hickeys. I can't say love bites, because he doesn't love me. I sighed and tried to wriggle out of his arms. He held me tighter. I kept trying to get out of his arms, to no avail. I felt my eyes water with tears and I refused to let them out. I refused to be his bitch any longer! I wasn't a whore or a slut and I knew that someone out there would and could love me better than John.

In fact, didn't Ash love me? I was almost certain he did, but was too afraid to be hurt to test my theory. I bit John hard on his fingers and punch him in his face. He yelled angrily and dropped me. When my body hit the floor I heard a loud crack! I felt my bones break and screamed. I felt a door open and immediately prayed it was Ash. I looked at the door it was a guy with fire colored hair.. I winced and grabbed my side. I couldn't move without screaming. The guy stooped to pick me up. "God, what did you do to him John?"

"That's none of your fucking business!" John boomed.

"Actually, I think this just might be my business now." This guy's tone was much more gentle than John's. I felt an erie connection to this guy instantly. He helped me up and wrapped his arms about my waist. It hurt, and I cringed. He muttered a sorry and left the house with me in his arms. I heard John shouting for him to come back. He just carried me outside and put me in his car. I curled up into a ball and whimpered. I saw John and the poor guy arguing. The guy punched John.  John fell to the ground, bleeding. I hunkered down into my seat. I closed my eyes wishing and praying that Ash would somehow get here and save me from this. I cried. I needed to feel some type of release. The fire haired guy came back and started to drive. We started headed down the road.

"My name is Flame." I looked curiously at the guy. He seemed nice, but how would I know if I could trust him?  He took me to a park and stopped the car. I hated parks. Too many bad memories.He wrapped my hand in his and started walking with me down the sidewalk. I grinned. It felt nice to be here with Flame. He stopped walking and I looked at him worriedly. His face looked troubled, like he was thinking about something. "Flame?" He looked down at me and smiled. It made me happy to see him happy. I was feeling giddy, I have no idea why. Ash was the only one who had ever made me feel giddy and he was.. I felt tears swell in my eyes. I wasn't going to cry and ruin this. "STOP IT TEARS!" I said to myself. Flame stopped infront of me. He pulled me into his arms. I felt absolute warmth and love. It felt really good. He looked down and me and lifted my chin. He brought his lips to mine. I could feel his soft breath on my lips.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY JAS JAS!" Someone screamed. I heard it. I knew the voice. It wasn't. It couldn't be. I turned around. It was Ash! I felt my eyes water. Flame pulled me into his arms protectively.

"Your Jas?" He questioned Ash. I tried to wriggle out of Flame's grip. I wanted to go to my Ashy! He tightened his grip on me and hissed one word at my Ashy. "Mine." 


        I hadn't stopped running, I felt like my Jas Jas was being hurt. I couldn't shake the feeling. That's when I stole someone's car. They had been stupid enough to leave the keys inside. I'm not the one to steal, but when it comes to my Jas Jas I felt like I had no control. I had to get to him, nothing else mattered. Not even going to jail. I started driving. About 20 minutes later I saw Jas Jas. my heart flipped in delight. I started to run to him and I noticed he was with.. Who was that? I walked closer. No... Not.. Not him.. Anyone but him! He was about to kiss my man!

Grrrrrr He'll no. Not this time! "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY JAS JAS!" They both looked at me. I couldn't control my breathing, I felt like I was going to pass out. But I wasn't, not until I killed Flame

. "Your Jas?" he growled. He pulled My Jas Jas closer to him. "Mine." I heard Flame mutter it, it was enough for me. I ran into him and punched Flame. How dare he talk about my Jas Jas! I slammed him onto the ground and kept punching him. I couldn't stop myself. His blood mingled into his hair. I couldn't stop. He had taken too much from me. He wasn't going to take my Jas Jas too! "ASHY STOP IT!" I heard a small whimper from behind me. It was Jas Jas. I felt bad, but not too bad. I heard Jas Jas start to cry. I kicked Flame and walked over to my prize. Mine. Mine.. I hugged him and kissed him. He stopped crying. He kissed me back, slowly, questioningly. I answered his question. I kissed him as if my life depended on it, which at the moment it did. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and kissed him. I loved him, I would die for him. 


       Ashy had protected me from Flame. I didn't know what was wrong with Flame, but Ashy made me promise not to talk to him or see him. I would obey. I heard the doorbell ring. I went to answer it. It was a pretty girl. She had red hair and hazel eyes. She smiled at me then punched me, knocking me to the floor. I felt bad about getting beaten up by a girl, but I was in a daze. "Tell Ash to stay away from my Flamey!" "Your Flamey?" I questioned. "Yeah, my brother dipwad!" Her eyes shot daggers at me. "Oh, and tell Ash that we both remember his promises and he has yet to keep them." She kicked me again and slammed my door and walked away. I groaned and held my side. I assumed Ashy knew Flame before yesterday. I could only wonder what had happened.

I Love You Because I Have To {UNDER EXTREME EDITING}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang